Wail (Norway) - Civilization Maximus - Reviewed By MetalHead.it! Friday November 6 2020, 1:29 PM
Wail (Norway) - Civilization Maximus - Reviewed By MetalHead.it!

Wail (Norway) - Civilization Maximus - Reviewed By MetalHead.it! Check it out here at this link: https://www.metalhead.it/album/wail-civilization-maximus/

With an aggressive image and communication, as well as a striking cover (for better or for worse: for me in the good!), The Norwegian Wail release their second heavy metal album 'modern but not too much', made to please both old people(like me) and young people (usually recipients of WormHoleDeath outings). Ironies aside, “Civilization Maximus” is short, tight and straightforward as a punch in the stomach! The compact “Down the Mountain” has a lot of the more grim Iced Earths, but the choruses work little; there is also a maidenian touch (which never hurts) in the bridge. “Endless Repetition” seems to begin as God's “Stand up and shout”, but on the street it completely changes horizon and becomes a modern melodic metal vaguely related to Evergrey. "Through the Ice" comes to have something of the Mystic Prophecy style rock power, while it has a much more modern "You've got Nothing" slant, with a totally different vocal approach from ... The Singer (yes, it looks like this at public). A little stretched "Overwhelming",it closes again in the sign of Iced Earth with the biting vocalizations of the titletrack. A few burrs in a disc that overall works and scratches.
(René Urkus) Rating: 7/10

Introducing new release for possible review / interview / radio coverage or any other kind of appearance on your website / radio show.

FFO: Ghost, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Candlemass

Satire. A word that lost it's weight the day the world became so obscure that yesterday's satirical content became the news of the day. It’s time to step up the game.

Enter Wail

The cultiest of cultist cult bands, a Norwegian heavy metal quintet best known as preachers of the 'apocalypse of the civilized world' as well as being observed claiming responsibility for catastrophes such as global warming, epidemics and commercial radio. They seem to be using their mesmerizing heavy metal music to lure young and old into their cultist organization.

A spokesman of the group has been quoted with the following comment regarding the choice of musical direction: "I’m intelligent. Some people would say I’m very, very, very intelligent. According to my research, heavy metal is the most commercially available, sexy and danceable genre out there. It was quite obvious really".

The band has been nurtured, cultivated and refined to be able to write, perform and seduce on a level that few can assert to. This under close observation of the terrifying and quite flamboyant front man that goes under the name «The Singer».

Wail has been getting recognition as a hard working live band on both festival and club scenes, and the response is usually in the vein of 'International standard' and 'who or what the hell are these people?'. The group prefer not to discuss the latter.

The dust has just settled after their debut album «Resilient» 2018. Produced by Kjartan Hestehaugen and Ronni Le Tekrø (TNT).

The follow up album, produced by Titan Labs studio/Riccardo Daga «Civilization Maximus» features 9 tracks circulating a theme of manipulation/indoctrination as the band ventures deeper into the antagonistic rabbit hole.

Wail has been getting recognition as a hard working live band on both festival and club scenes, and the response is usually in the vein of 'International standard' and 'who or what the hell are these people?'. The group prefer not to discuss the latter. Get ready to rejoice in salvation, tribalism and an oblique glance at extremism.

You are hereby invited to partake in song, a secret, a promises of eternal life, presented by the masterful crossroad salesmen of Wail whom might not be as glamorous as they make themselves out to be.

Distributor album promo url:

Through the ice Lyric video

Youtube Civilization Maximus Album

Spotify artist link

Home page:
wail.no https://wail.no/



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