DJ REM Interviews Chris Sanders from Tralineate Saturday February 24 2018, 11:27 AM
DJ REM Interviews Chris Sanders from Tralineate

Tralineate is a one man band featuring Chris Sanders, (ex-Doomsaer '93-'96, ex-No Flesh Spared '99-'03, and ex-Heteromorphic '04-'05), and was formedĀ in 2016 in Topeka, Kansas.Chris had been considering this latest endeavor for quite some time, but due to various life events, there just wasn't enough time and with a work schedule that allows for very little social interaction, he knew he would have to go it alone. Finally, in late 2016, Tralineate was born and things started coming together. Starting with five songs from his Heteromorphic project, (of which some needed improvement and some needed finished), the goal was simply to complete a full length album as a possible last hurrah in the music scene.He immersed himself into those old songs to give them the life they deserved and wrote new material along the way. Working on a budget that to some would be laughable, Chris also invested his time into learning the ins and outs of mixing, producing, and the like in order to keep the costs down. After a little less than a year, Tralineate's debut album, Ike Antz Leap, (read as I can't sleep), was independently released on September 29th, 2017.Chris draws influence from the life around him and from artists such as Danzig, Devin Townsend, Disincarnate, Fear Factory, Fleshgod Apocalypse, House of Thumbs and many others. Chris thrives on writing and playing straight forward, unapologetic metal with occasional orchestral accents. He creates from a very personal perspective touching on some common themes but also exploring some subjects that a little more off the beaten path for death metal.Tralineate by definition means ' to deviate', to stray', 'to wander', and Chris hopes to stay true to that mantra by forging ahead and not following any standard procedures when it comes to anything along this road ahead. With the support of his friends and fans over the last year during this journey, his initial goal has been realized and now only a few weeks removed from the album release, his intentions with Tralineate have become more focused. Chris has already begun writing new material for a follow up which is sure to be another all too real glimpse into the erratic mind of a middle aged man that nobody's ever heard of. Tralineate forever.

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