Ninjaspy - Speak (New Video) Saturday March 11 2017, 11:20 AM
Ninjaspy - Speak (New Video)

one tide, one wave, one moon.
one night one will be one, soon.
untold fortunes in six words,
often soft spoken and not heard.
if there's a dream that you've wrought but you haven't yet sung.
speak that dream from the deep blackness, shattering lungs.
are you gonna speak?
speak all.
one child, one fate, one doom.
one beast, one cage, one room.
infant builds a village if it can.
it's a shame but it's just man.
if there's a thought that mere words just can not illustrate,
open your throat and devote your whole body and scream.
are you gonna speak all?
if i take this to my grave, i took you at your word.
vulnerability, rage, often seen but not heard.
one black mark on white page.
chances are that you won't come back, but maybe you'll find some peace.
chances are... but if you don't come back, at least you said your piece.
are you gonna speak?

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