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3 years ago
I see my reflection on a pitch black wall
Although dead it's standing seven feet tall. Avoiding this poisoned world in which we were birthed.
A demon composed my escape from the land of the dead, showed me our design all in my head. Time is an infant since infinity is real
I was gone from this earthly dimension
Angels tried to bribe me with heaven
Satan led the way back into my human vessel, my body was once again my temple, with death no longer I had to wrestle,thru my Disembodied Enlightenment, now I can nestle
I know a truth that if revealed
Their world would be covered in blood
Nothing is what it seems, all that you think you know is only a dream
Humanity is nothing but a mere blip in time, thru the end we all swim in a putrid black light, shrouded in mystery in this fuge state
I seen our destiny upon our history
I seen our destiny upon our history
Disembodied Enlightenment made me wise, things you would not believe have been seen thru these eyes
Watch me do this convulsive dance
I'll come back enlightened thru this demonic trance
Watch me do this convulsive dance
I'll come back enlightened thru this demonic trance
Watch me do this convulsive dance
I'll come back enlightened thru this demonic trance
Written and Recorded by Goat Blood Fetish 2021
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