Basic Info
6 years ago
Written & performed by Silvertonguedevil
2018 All Devils Music
"It is a great pity, so it is
That so many brave men are killed by cowards
Morbid mortals in perilous times
Pawns of the grand chessboard’s crimes
Trapped in a funhouse reality
Born of treasonous conspiracy
A doomsday foretold by the insane
For those in power it’s all a game
Watching from satellites up high
Placing bets that the end is nigh
Acceptable loss down to the last one
Let the victor reign in total destruction
Complicit decree of intolerance
Behold the glory of full spectrum dominance
Whatever the cost may be always remember
When you’re going through hell keep going
Arc of encirclement on display
Totalitarian mastery
Sword of Damocles hanging high
The first-strike missiles are in the sky
Total supremacy is the aim
An insane logic is to blame
In the land of blind authority
Patriots rule through treachery
Acceptable loss down to the last one
Let the victor reign in total destruction
Complicit decree of intolerance
Behold the glory of full spectrum dominance
For now we have become Death
Our humanity forgotten
The world will burn from our disease
As all we touch turns rotten"
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