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6 years ago
MORILD - Så kom mørket... - Live at National Aquarium Denmark - Part II
Performing 'I afgørende stunder' and 'Frosset fast til mit indre'.
Video production: Etisk Lyd
Camera & edit: Mads Salbæk
Sound recording: Morild
Filmed and recorded February 1st 2019 at Den Blå Planet, National Aquarium Denmark in Kastrup, Denmark during the release show for MORILD's debut album entitled:
’Så kom mørket og tog mig på ordet
En sort sky af minder
I afgørende stunder
Frosset fast til mit indre
Jeg håber det forsvinder med lyset
At dø eller blive fri’
In English:
'Thus came the darkness and took me by my word
A dark cloud of memories
In crucial moments
Frozen inside of me
I hope it disappears with the light
To die or become free'
The ocean is the origins, the great starting point. The black metal band Morild released their debut album 'Så kom mørket...' at the Danish National Aquarium ‘The Blue Planet’, where the band performed it in its entirety in front of the ocean tank. In the dark room the band was lit up by the light from the aquarium, where fish, turtles, rays and fish swam calmly in the background. The bands lyrics are full of sorrow and desperation, and a big part of the suffering comes from being trapped in the ‘self’. ‘’Du bliver aldrig andet end dig selv’’...."You will never be anything but yourself’’ . The rising oceans, that are otherwise perceived as an emergency and a threat, is throughout the album considered a way out, a release from the confinement and isolation of the self. The brute force of life and nature, is the beauty of letting the self go by becoming part of something greater.
- Martin Bastkjær
This production was supported financially by KODA Kultur and DAF/Danish Artist Union.
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