Artist: Acherontas
Origin: Greece
Song title: Set Triumphant - Nubti
Album: Amenti - Ψαλμοί Αίματος και Αστρικά Οράματα
Label: World Terror Committee (
To be released on the 17th of May 2013.
1.Voluntas Supra Materiam “Vocatio Prima”
2.Amenti - The Lamp Ov The Desert
3.The Stele Ov The Last Conjuration - Ιερος Γαμος
4.Nebt-Het - Divulgence Οf Ηer Sacral Temples
5.Set Triumphant - Nubti
6.Dissolution(In The Sands Ov Time) - Νεκροπολις
7.Wines of Blood & Pestilence
8.Erset La Tari The Red Temple
9.Πανσεληνος “Vocatio Ultima”