Getaway Van - Live Interview - The Zach Moonshine Show

Getaway Van - Live Interview - The Zach Moonshine Show Friday March 22 2019, 9:00 PM

Getaway Van from Vancouver, Canada will be joining The Zach Moonshine Show for a live Q&A with fans and listeners! Show starts at 9pm est and the interview will be at 10pm est. To join us, sign in at and click the chat links to ask questions during the interview.
“Continuing in the same vein of Truckfighters-esque stoner rock heard on January’s Burnouts EP, we are treated to a much fuller sound on this release… It’s meatier, it’s harder, it’s heavier. If that sounds a bit pornographic, you’re not far off, because this is a dirty record — full of fuzz and viscera.” – Vancity Rockers
"Get yourself familiar with Getaway Van now and you won't regret it later. Rock music at its finest." - FTD Music

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