Veritas Interviewed By Metal Heads Forever Magazine! Thursday September 17 2020, 12:00 AM
Veritas Interviewed By Metal Heads Forever Magazine!

Veritas Interviewed By Metal Heads Forever Magazine! Check out the whole interview and feature at this link

Formed in Kansas City, Kansas in 2012, this remarkable band has garnered comparisons to Dream Theater and Fates Warning.  Stellar musicianship and soaring vocals entwine to create an incredible listening experience. Veritas has released a 4 song EP in 2019 and, just recently, a full length debut entitled Threads of Fatality.

Denny Anthony-Vocals

Greg Wenk-Guitars

Geno Alberico-Bass

Mark Zonder-  (guest) drums

Greetings from Colorado and Metalheads Forever. We appreciate your time.

1. Although I mentioned the band members, please introduce yourselves a bit more thoroughly. How does everyone fit into the song writing process?

We all contribute evenly to the songwriting process and write our own parts. The way we record is a bit non-traditional since we all live in different states. Luckily, we each have our own home studios.Greg Wenk begins the process by recording the rhythm tracks and sending them to Mark Zonder. Once he has recorded his ideas, he sends them back to us and Greg then re-records the guitars to make sure everything fits tightly. Next the tracks are sent to Geno Alberico for bass. After the bass is added it’s sent to Denny Anthony for vocals.

2. It was a long time in the making, but Threads of Fatality finally hit the streets last month. Its an outstanding album. How would you describe it to the unitiated? How would you describe your sound overall?

Thanks! We put a lot of effort into creating it. It’s 14 tracks of hard rock/metal with a classic sound. Basically we recorded a collection of songs in the style of bands we love. It has been said it’s for fans of early Queensryche, Dream Theater and Fates Warning.

3. If new listeners could hear only one of your songs, which one should it be? …and why?

Our first single we released for the CD is Love and Burn. It starts with the drums and has a good groove to it and a catchy chorus.

4. Mark Zonder (guest drums) has played with Fates Warning as well as several notable bands. What did he bring to the mix? What is the latest on a drummer in your band? ..or is Mark here to stay?

Mark brought his outstanding style and sound to the mix. The drums were written to the songs and not as a showcase to his drumming ability. Sign of a true professional. We are still holding auditions for drummers. As much as we’d love to have Mark permanently, we know he’s far too busy!

5. I hear several influences in your music. I’ll let listeners make up their own mind. Who would you say are your 3 biggest influences?

Greg Wenk-Yngwie Malmsteen, George Lynch, Criss Oliva

Denny Anthony-Ray Alder, Geoff Tate, Michael Kiske

Geno Alberico-Billy Sheehan, Geddy Lee, John Paul Jones

6. You released an EP last year (also outstanding.) How did the band grow since the EP and the release of Threads of Fatality? What is different? What’s the same?

We got more comfortable with each others styles and working on songs through the internet. The songwriting has always been somewhat easy since we have a similar idea of the sound we’re wanting to play.

7. “Eyes of the Blind” from the latest album. The last 30 seconds…Damn!  How many takes did it require to get it just right?

Thanks! I can’t speak for the others, but when I record my guitar tracks I never do punch-ins. It usually takes a few run throughs before I get it right.

8.Regarding the song  “Morbid Stale,”…. “somnambulism?”  Really?… I am quite sure no one has ever used that word in a song. Well played, sir.  Please explain these lyrics and this song.

Denny likes to write lyrics that are thought provoking but ultimately leave it to the listener to decide what the songs are about. The overall theme to the cd is to wake up to the decay we’ve caused and see the truth.

9.  I will be embarking upon a road trip soon. It will take me through Kansas City, KS…any good steak house recommendations?

Not sure about steakhouses but Joe’s BBQ in Olathe or Gates BBQ in downtown KC are great places for BBQ

10. Thank you so much for your time. Any parting words for our readers?

Thank you for the interview and thanks to all our fans for supporting us and listening! Buy our new cd, available in physical and digital formats worldwide. Go to our official site to keep up with the band.

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The time is here!! The new cd from Veritas - Threads of Fatality  will be available worldwide 8/28/20. Preorder links below!

Veritas was formed in 2012 by Greg Wenk , guitarist, in Kansas City, KS . In 2017, Veritas were able to get Mark Zonder ( Fates Warning, Warlord, Spirits of Fire ) to record drums for our 4 song  Ep which was released In February 2018. It received great reviews and airplay worldwide being compared to such bands as early Queensryche , Fates Warning and Dream Theater . Since then, we've been hard at work recording/mixing/mastering the full cd, signed a deal for worldwide physical/digital distribution through Amplified Distribution, and set a street date of 8/28/2020. 

Denny Anthony-Vocals
Greg Wenk-Guitar
Geno Alberico-Bass
Mark Zonder-Drums

"Straight forward type of prog metal that is reminiscent of late 80's, early 90's acts such as Fates Warning (No Exit era), Queensryche and very early Dream Theater "- Forgotten Scrolls

Amazon preorder link

Website link with several worldwide vendors for preorders

Check out the previous E.P. here on Bandcamp!



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