VÁLVERA releases new single in Lyric Video Friday August 21 2020, 4:30 PM
VÁLVERA releases new single in Lyric Video

"Cycle Of Disaster" , the new album by the paulistas of Válvera , is about to be officially on August 28th via Brutal Records (USA and Canada), Proper Music (Europe) and Voice Music (Brazil), and nothing more opportune than release another single before that date. The first one released was "Glow Of Death" and now the loose band "Born In A Dead Planet" !

Check out Lyric Video of "Born In A Dead Planet" at:

"Born In A Dead Planet" is a track that speaks of one of the biggest problems of modern times, not only in Brazil but worldwide, the destruction of the environment. In Brazil, we are experiencing ever greater catastrophes, our climate is constantly changing, rivers extremely polluted, oil spills, high levels of carbon dioxide filling the lungs of the population, the Amazon being devastated, criminal fires, ruptures of dams due to human errors , illegal mineral exploration, legalized excess pesticides, among other atrocities. Seeing that the world is being destroyed without mercy or mercy at the expense of shady enrichment, the people of Válvera got tired and will not be silent before that. "Born In A Dead Planet" was composed with all this in mind, showing all the revolt and indignation at this neglect not only by those who govern us, but also by the people who complain but throw trash on the street, plastic bottles and etc.

"Our greatest wealth is the land we live in, a country where everything is born, we have water, food, fauna and flora. But until when? We spend more and destroy more, we follow the course looking for our extinction. We will stop inheriting a dead planet ", commented Glauber Barreto (vocal / guitar)

"The demand for natural resources has become unsustainable and puts tremendous pressure on the planet's biodiversity. In 8 months we spend what should last all year, that is, we spend more than the planet can produce, and this increases every day " , commented Rodrigo Torres (guitar)

"Cycle Of Disaster" , the quartet's third album, was recorded at Dual Noise Studio 2020 , in São Paulo / SP, produced by the band together with Rogério Wecko (mastering, mixing and sound engineering) and cover art by the experienced Marcelo Vasco (Slayer, Machine Head, Metal Allegiance, Kreator). This work has received excellent reviews not only in Brazil but also abroad, and the demand has been great since the pre-sale was announced in July! Links to the band's online store and worldwide pre-sales below.

Check out Teaser of all “Cycle Of Disaster” tracks at:

Check out Lyric Video for “Glow Of Death” at:

Check out “Glow Of Death” Playthrough with Gabriel Prado (bassist) at:

Online store at:

Pre-order Brutal Records (USA & Canada) in:

Pre-order Proper Music (Europe & Worldwide) in:

Pre-order Voice Music (Brazil) coming soon!


Glauber Barreto - Vocal / Guitar
Rodrigo Torrer - Guitar
Gabriel Prado - Bass
Leandro Peixoto - Drums


"City in Chaos" (Album / 2015)
"Demons Of War" (Single / 2017)
"Back To Hell" (Album / 2017)
"Bringer Of Evil" (Single / 2019)
"Glow Of Death" (Single / 2020)
"Born In A Dead Planet" (Single / 2020)
"Cycle Of Disaster" (Album / 2020)

Listen to VALÁL at:

YouTube: www.youtube.com/valveraoficial
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/br/artist/valvera/1043332035
Bandcamp: https://valvera.bandcamp.com /
Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/artist/3S87lwfQs6K1O1WsQrpPhz
Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/br/artist/8945888
Napster: https://us.napster.com/artist/valvera
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/artists/B015TRXRMG

Social media:

Website: www.valvera.com.br
Email: bandavalvera@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bandavalvera
Instagram: www.instagram.com/valveraband
Twitter: twitter.com/valvera_oficial
Virtual Store: www.valvera.lojavirtualnuvem.com.br

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