Diesel Machine featured Interview & The Zach Moonshine Show Sunday August 9 2020, 11:01 AM
Diesel Machine featured Interview & The Zach Moonshine Show

AJ from Diesel Machine joins us on the show to talk about the new record and answer fan submitted questions from the live chat! We play new music from Diesel Machine as well as new releases from Black Communion, Tyranno, Veritas, Dopelord, Saprophyte in Bloom, HEATHEN, BENEDICTION, Khemmis, Ministry, Midnight, Thou, Moonlight Desires, we also throw in some older tracks from SOiL, Conan, Exhorder, En Minor, Plague Years, Motherslug, Gravehuffer, Ken Copeland, and St. Madness!

1 - Of Doom And Necromancy/Sinister Evocation Of The Black Lord/Gateway To The Nebular Crypt - Black Communion
2 - The Zach Moonshine Intro
3 - Heading To The Coven/Dead Brain, Living Skull/Black Death - Tyranno
4 - Love and Burn - Veritas
5 - Doom Bastards - Dopelord
6 - When Roots Are Rotten - Saprophyte in Bloom
7 - Empire Of The Blind - HEATHEN
8 - Diesel Machine - Interview featuring Death March/Exit Wound/Judgement
9 - Halo - SOiL
10 - Rabid Carnality - BENEDICTION
11 - Volt Thrower - Conan
12 - Beware the Wolf - Exhorder
13 - On The Floor - En Minor
14 - Outer Darkness - Plague Years
15 - Fucking Speed and Darkness - Midnight
16 - Electric Dunes of Titan/Downriver - Motherslug
17 - Demon Face - Gravehuffer
18 - Wind Of God REMIX - WTFBRAHH - Ken Copeland
19 - Alert Level (Quarantined Mix) - Ministry
20 - Where Did You Sleep Last Night - Thou
21 - Down in a Hole [Alice In Chains Cover] - Khemmis
22 - comfortably numb - St. Madness
23 - Don't You Forget About Me - Moonlight Desires

Listen to the full show below via Mixcloud!

Check out the interview alone on YouTube!

DIESEL MACHINE featuring members of HALFORD, SOIL, DAMAGEPLAN was founded in the mid '90s by former musicians of the L.A. heavies World In Pain and Eleventh Hour. The hard groove metal of the band - consisting of AJ Cavalier (vocals), Patrick Lachman (guitar), Rich Gonzales (bass), and Shane Gaalaas (drums) - was compared with scene greats like Pantera, Crowbar, and Machine Head. The only regular DIESEL MACHINE studio album to date, 2000's Torture Test, was received enthusiastically by fans and critics alike and has retained its absolute cult status to this day. The uncompromising mixture of razor-sharp riffs, hammering rhythms as well as hardcore vocals fully met the spirit of the times and still hasn't lost any of its power and relevance.
While the musicians were working on their second album, they were hit hard by fate: bassist Rich Gonzales suffered a nearly fatal motorcycle accident in the summer of 2002, which put him in the hospital for four months.  
After DIESEL MACHINE was put on hold indefinitely, the individual members broke new musical ground: Lachman, at that time also the guitarist for (Rob) Halford, became the singer of the promising but short-lived Pantera spinoff Damageplan and later founded The Mercy Clinic and Burn It All with members of Fear Factory; Cavalier founded One Percent Soul and was also hired as frontman for Soil; Gaalaas worked with the Japanese superstars B'z and with the prog metal formation Cosmosquad; and finally, Gonzales also found his way back to music.
Although scattered all over the world, the connection between the members of DIESEL MACHINE remained unbroken throughout. And so the new album Evolve took shape piece by piece. Over the years, three different sessions took place at Gaalaas' studio in L.A., which were complemented by recordings in the respective home studios of Lachman and Cavalier. Chris Collier, whose resume includes names ranging from Korn to Prong to KMX and Flotsam & Jetsam, was called in to mix and master the album.
Evolve once again celebrates the energetic, uncompromising extreme metal characteristic of DIESEL MACHINE. The album is a statement or even a branding for everything the band has dealt with over the years. This spirit of defiance and persistence is also expressed loud and clear in the lyrics.


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