THE PILGRIM, feat. members of BLACK RAINBOWS, return with brand new album and unleash first single, "Mexico '84"! Thursday July 23 2020, 5:53 AM
THE PILGRIM, feat. members of BLACK RAINBOWS, return with brand new album and unleash first single, "Mexico '84"!

Try to travel with your mind: back in time, desert lands, dusty roads and a long journey. Imagine to stop somewhere beautiful at the end of the trip refreshing your soul with a cold beer and a breathtaking landscape view. " ...From the Earth to the Sky and Back ", the brand new album by  THE PILGRIM , is this perfect summer soundtrack and invites you on a trip to escape. Into acoustic and electric guitars, percussion, banjo and pedal steel mixed with mellow vocals that let you dream away.  THE PILGRIM , featuring  BLACK RAINBOWS ' voice and guitarist  Gabriele Fiori  and drummer  Filippo Ragazzoni , have announced the release of their sophomore album on October 2 nd  2020 via Heavy Psych Sounds .


As the band commented, the first part of " ...From the Earth to the Sky and Back " is inspired by a country attitude and classic Americana vibe, while the rest of the album presents different moments, conjuring up atmospheres reminiscent of Santana, The Eagles, Crosby Stills Nash and Young, Spirit, Captain Beyond and recent Motorpsycho. The album was m ixed and mastered by  HIGH REEPER 's  Shane Trimble , with a refined work on production and recording, and more songs arranged with drums compared to the band's first and within one year sold- out album,  "Walking into the Forest", " ...From the Earth to the Sky and Back has all assets to meet the fans’ expectations, and beyond.
To share a first album appetizer,  THE PILGRIM  have just premiered a brand new single to the ultimate summer anthem "Mexico '84"! Listen 



[ Artwork by Maarten Donders ]





1.  Mexico '84
2. Sitting Down On The Porch
3.Obsessed By The West part I, II ,III, IV
4. Lion
5. Fool Around
6. Riding The Horse
7. Cuba
8. Secrets In The Kingdom
9. I'm Just Scared
10. Solitude
11. At Your Door
12. Sounds In The Night
13. Space And Time
14. Waiting For The Sun

" ...From the Earth to the Sky and Back " will be coming out on October 2 nd , 2020, via Heavy Psych Sounds Records, and will be available as CD, Digital Download and in various Vinyl formats while the Double LP Gatefold will include 4 bonus tracks, lyrics, a T-Shirt and a lot more. Furthermore,  THE PILGRIM  have announced the repress of their highly acclaimed, sold-out debut album " Walking Into The Forest ". Better be quick to grab your copy, as the album pre-sale for both records has just just started at  THIS LOCATION!


THE PILGRIM  is an acoustic, psychedelic, melodic, folk project created by  Gabriele Fiori  already front man of the heavy rock band  Black Rainbows  and garage fuzz band  Killer Boogie THE PILGRIM  started to nebulously take shape as an idea for a solo-project few years back, something different than the hard-driving psychedelia and garage heavy rock for which he’d already been so revered. The first album "Walking into the Forest" has been a surprise success while selling out in one year and receiving the attention of many devoted followers who are waiting impatiently for the second chapter, " ...From the Earth to the Sky and Back ".


For More Info Visit: THEPILGRIMACOUSTIC thepilgrimacoustic
www.heavypsychsoundsrecords. HEAVYPSYCHSOUNDS

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