On June 30th, ODIUM RECORDS is proud to present Deus Inversus, a special split album between BLACK ALTAR and KIRKEBRANN. The album will be released on digipack CD and vinyl LP formats. Saturday June 13 2020, 7:20 PM
On June 30th, ODIUM RECORDS is proud to present Deus Inversus, a special split album between BLACK ALTAR and KIRKEBRANN. The album will be released on digipack CD and vinyl LP formats.

On June 30th, ODIUM RECORDS is proud to present Deus Inversus, a special split album between BLACK ALTAR and KIRKEBRANN. The album will be released on digipack CD and vinyl LP formats.

Featuring two veterans of the black metal underground, Deus Inversus will include seven total compositions, all new and exclusive to this release. For BLACK ALTAR's half, such esteemed musicians as Lars Broddesson (Funeral Mist, ex-Marduk), Mauser (ex-Vader), and Alexandros (Macabre Omen) took part in the recording session - led, of course, by BLACK ALTAR founder Shadow. Mauser was also responsible for BLACK ALTAR's production, while KIRKEBRANN's production was handled by Morfeus (ex-Limbonic Art).

Preorder info for the digipack CD and two vinyl versions (black limited to 250 copies / diehard marble, with patch & sticker, limited to 50 copies) can be found <a data-auth="Verified" href="https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Ffacebook.us8.list-manage.com%2Ftrack%2Fclick%3Fu%3Dbc095d7581180521ee87967a5%26id%3D8bc94818d0%26e%3D100b3a4eec&data=02%7C01%7C%7C608e19ddd90e40fc529708d7e1dc1287%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637226207621575850&sdata=lT5LYAcNLyWH1ngdyYcF977%2BqZ3qVlzMTzSX7ji%2B0Ik%3D&reserved=0" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" title="Protected by Outlook: https://facebook.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=bc095d7581180521ee87967a5&id=8bc94818d0&e=100b3a4eec. Click or tap to follow the link."> HERE . Cover art by Nestor Avalos.

Tracklisting for Deus Inversus 
-Black Altar-
1. Deus Inversus
2. Ancient Warlust
3. Outro

4. BegrensaBevissthet
5. Faux Pas
6. Et Nederlag
7. Ufødte Klarhet


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