SORGE: "Argent" Now Playing At The Sleeping Shaman; Eponymous EP By Washington, DC-Based Psychedelic Doom Quintet Nears June Release Monday May 18 2020, 11:45 AM
SORGE: "Argent" Now Playing At The Sleeping Shaman; Eponymous EP By Washington, DC-Based Psychedelic Doom Quintet Nears June Release

As Washington, DC-based psychedelic doom outfit SORGE prepares to release their eponymous debut EP in early June, the new single "Argent" sees its premiere through The Sleeping Shaman.


Sorge was recorded with Ken Bernsten of Developing Nations Recording Studio (Full of Hell, Noisem, Ilsa), mastered by Mike Monseur, and completed with artwork by Ellie Yanagisawa and Bonner Sale.


With the "Argent" premiere, SORGE's bassist Christian Pandtle writes, "Joshua (Gerras, guitars/vocals) was raised Catholic and a couple of years ago was dealing with how to integrate his upbringing with his experiences and beliefs as an adult. The song is written from the perspective of a fallen, naive believer who can no longer contain their cognitive dissonance but is still greedy for the relief of child-like certainty. Their desire for relief, and inability to attain it, turns inward, creating a brutal morality for them to judge themselves a failure against. It's a situation that we all deal with in a variety of circumstance, a natural production of growing and realizing how large the world truly is. Throw in some references to demonic pacts and Mars and bam, metal song. It's one of our favorites to play live, we typically open with it, and we managed to knock out the studio instrumentals in a take or two with minimal overdubbing. We then mercilessly critiqued Joshua's vocals for hours, putting him into existential pain that mimicked that of the song's subject."


The Sleeping Shaman writes with the premiere, "...for such a young band, their debut self-titled four-track EP shows maturity beyond their collective years... And today, it's our absolute pleasure to bring you a premier of the track 'Argent,' a six-and-a-half-minute exploration into the world of psychedelic infused heavy doom."


Stream SORGE's "Argent" exclusively at The Sleeping Shaman RIGHT HERE .


SORGE will independently release Sorge digitally on Friday, June 5th, with a physical release to follow. Find digital preorders at Bandcamp HERE .


With their debut looming, SORGE is already heavily entwined in the creation of new material and plans on booking gigs as soon as restrictions safely allow bands and performances to return to venues across the country.


SORGE (sor*guh) fuses elements of stoner/doom, fuzz, sludge, and psychedelic metal and rock elements into an esoteric concoction of outer space and inner mind. The band's maiden release, the Sorge EP delivers four crushing tracks totaling nearly twenty-eight minutes of sonic exploration. Rudiments of the fertile doom scene that birthed Saint Vitus, Internal Void, Place Of Skulls, Earthride, Iron Man, and many others show through, however, SORGE's tunes reach far beyond said soil, infusing kaleidoscopic and ethereal elements into their sound.


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