New Promo: Freudz Couch - 'Psycho A' - Indie Rock Friday May 8 2020, 11:31 AM
New Promo: Freudz Couch - 'Psycho A' - Indie Rock

Artist Overview:

Freudz Couch toured, recorded and released 3 indie albums and multiple EP's and singles between 1993-2003 that found their way on radio throughout the world as well as a Canadian Indie Motion Picture titled River Rats.

After calling it quits in 2003, an unlikely reunion took place in 2016  with the release of a new 5 song EP title ‘ego’ released in 2017 and several unexpected things happened. The first newly written song ‘Martha’ off the EP received a nomination at the 2017 Independent Music Awards, the ‘ego’ EP was signed to a Publishing deal with Music of the Sea out of Chicago, and previous LP releases ‘id’ and ‘Embraced’ were both signed to Publishing deals with Sextillion Music out of the UK.


Further to the unexpected events that transpired largely due to social media, the band signed a record deal with 7hard Records out of Germany, a division of 7us Media. Singles ‘Freedom’ and ‘Stand Up’ have been released prior to the album release and now the 3 rd single ‘Black Car’ was released March 13 th , 2020 to coincide with the new 12 song LP.

The band once again was fortunate to work with Nick Blagona on the new album in a mixing and mastering capacity, continuing a working relationship dating back to 1997. Regrettably Mr. Blagona passed away in December 2019 prior to the completion of the full album. He is best known for engineering and producing some of the best-known music worldwide including Deep Purple, April Wine, Cat Stevens and The Police to name a few. 5 of the new songs including the latest single ‘Black Car’ do have Nick’s fingerprints on it in a mixing capacity. Mark Guertin completed the mixing and mastering. ‘Psycho A’ is produced by Bent Wohlbergh and band guitarist Don Fournier.



Psycho A – 2020

Ego – 2017

Embraced -2001

Id – 1997

The FC EP – 1995

Scent of Life - 1993


Manager – Nik Paparo

Label – 7hard Records

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Single Video Links:

Black Car -

Stand Up -

Freedom -

Dragonfly –

I Don’t Care Anymore (Phil Collins cover) -

Darkness –

Martha -

Freudz Couch is/was/will be:

Patrick Veinot (vocals)  Don Fournier (guitars)  Vinny Therrien (bass)  Nik Paparo (drums)

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