TED NUGENT: 'Liberals Are Allergic To Common Sense And Logic' Thursday May 7 2020, 1:19 AM
TED NUGENT: 'Liberals Are Allergic To Common Sense And Logic'

During a brand new appearance on   "The Joe Pags Show" , outspoken conservative rocker   Ted Nugent   criticized Michigan governor   Gretchen Whitmer   for her stringent stay-at-home order amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The Democratic governor last month extended one of the nation's strictest stay-at-home orders to stop the spread of COVID-19. The order continues to prohibit in-person work that is not necessary to sustain or protect life, with exemptions for various critical jobs.   Whitmer   said imposing some of the country's toughest restrictions was necessary because of what were rapidly rising cases and deaths that threatened to overwhelm hospitals.

Nugent , who moved to Texas from Michigan in 2005, said about   Whitmer 's aggressive stay-at-home order: "By all evidence — you can't deny the irrefutable evidence that liberals are allergic to common sense, logic, the Constitution, understanding that we the people hired them based on their oath to the Constitution that limits their power; it doesn't limit our power.

"I thank God every day for the   Nancy Pelosis   and the   Gretchen Whitmers , because they are so offensive, they are so rotten to the core, so dishonest, so not only abusing power, but   forcing   power on other people.

" Gretchen Whitmer   is an embarrassment to good, decent, hard-working American families, especially in my beloved birth state of Michigan.

"It's not her fault. It's the apathy of the conservatives that didn't vote…

"If you and I talked 20 years ago, that was my first condemnation of the American Dream — that apathy ushers in tyrants in power and criminals like [former   FBI   director]   James Comey   and [former   CIA   director]   John Brennan   and   Gretchen Whitmer ."

Nugent   also defended the hundreds of demonstrators who protested Michigan's coronavirus emergency measures. On Tuesday,   Whitmer   claimed that some of the people who demonstrated at the state Capitol building "carried nooses and Confederate flags and swastikas."

" Gretchen Whitmer   is not only nasty, but she's a liar,"   Nugent   said. "She claimed there were guys there with automatic weapons. I happen to know for a fact there was not one automatic weapon in that protest. They're liars — they lie, they lie, they lie. They are possessed by hate of freedom and individual choice on   some   issues, but then they force that individual choice on everybody else on other issues — need I explain.

"So, God bless the protesters, but now is the time for civil disobedience against illegal laws, against unjust decrees, and I'm proud to see that happen. And the Nugent family stands shoulder to shoulder with all those great independent, freedom-demanding… You can't just love freedom — you have to demand it. So God bless them."

Last year,   Nugent , a vocal supporter of the Republican Party and various associated conservative causes, defended   Trump   after the U.S. president was accused of making racist remarks about Democratic congresswomen from black and minority ethnic backgrounds.

Nugent   and fellow Detroit-bred rocker   Kid Rock   got to spend some time in the Oval Office with   Trump   in April 2017. They were joined by   Sarah Palin , the former Alaskan governor and GOP vice presidential nominee, who posted photos of the visit on social media the following morning.   Nugent   later told the   Detroit Free Press   that he and   Kid Rock   represent a salt-of-the-earth American demographic that helped   Trump   land the presidency.

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