SANCTIFYING RITUAL premiere new track at "Decibel" magazine's website Tuesday May 5 2020, 12:31 PM
SANCTIFYING RITUAL premiere new track at "Decibel" magazine's website

Today, evil metallers  Sanctifying Ritual  premiere the new track  "Curse of Evil"  at  Decibel  magazine's website . The track hails from the band's highly anticipated debut album,  Sanctifying Ritual , set for international release on June 5th via   Iron Bonehead Productions . Hea r   Sanctifying Ritual 's "Curse of Evil" in its entirety exclusively   HERE


Hailing from Germany,   Sanctifying Ritual   formed in 2008. The   Sadistic Death   demo followed a year later, but it would be another three years before the next demo,   Carved in Rotten Remains , arrived. During that time, members were busy with such well-regarded cults as Nocturnal Witch and Division Speed, but   Sanctifying Ritual   still burned in their black hearts. A four-song EP,   Storm of Devastation , arrived in 2013 before the band would remain silent...

Alas, that hiatus is over and the fire burns ever black with   Sanctifying Ritual 's long-awaited debut album. Fittingly self-titled,   Sanctifying Ritual   is a grand culmination   and  intensification of   Sanctifying Ritual 's noble aesthetic. Here, the ancient winds blow, across proto-bestial metal and blackthrash alike, from berzerker '80s death to blitzed-out speed metal also from the '80s, from South American on up to the North and back over to their native Germania. The ingredients are all discernible and deadly, but not once do the quartet lean too heavily on one for too long, instead mixing 'n' mincing the malignant forces with enviable ease, pulsing with power and an acute dangerousness that's all too rare in the nowadays underground. Each of these nine songs is its own piledriver,   Sanctifying Ritual 's metal inquisition staying ugly every step of the way, and the songwriting is thusly honed to exude the maximum violence & force. But, perhaps the album can best be summed up by the title of closer "Abominable Death Rebels"...

Ghastly and ghoulish,   Sanctifying Ritual   beckon you into their crypt - submit and shed your skin!

Continue shedding that skin with the brand-new track "Curse of Evil" exclusively   HERE , courtesy of   Decibel , North America's only monthly metal magazine. Begin shedding that skin with the previously revealed "Into Obscure Abyss"   HERE   at  Iron Bonehead 's Soundcloud. Cover and tracklisting are as follows:


Tracklisting for Sanctifying Ritual's  Sanctifying Ritual
1. (Tales Of The) Sinister Appearance

2. Into Obscure Abyss
3. Curse Of Evil
4. Obsessed By Gore
5. Carved In Rotten Remains
6. Stained With Rotten Blood
7. Throne Of Evil Atrocity
8. Mankind Devastation
9. Abominable Death Rebels IronBoneheadProductions

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