Nenad Bach International Newsletter No. 55: Livestream Thursday April 23 2020, 12:02 PM
Nenad Bach International Newsletter No. 55: Livestream

April 23, 2020

Quo Vadis Humanity?

Are you aware that you live in a historical time that has never existed before? Yes pandemics happened before but we didn't have means to communicate like now. Twitter and Fake News go around the world in 1 second. New York City, my town that Never Sleeps, is sleeping now and at the same time Humanity is talking in real time, communicating, sharing info, medical equipment, pleasantries..etc.! What is going on? My prediction of World Peace in One Hour of June 21, 2020 doesn't seems like a pipe dream anymore. Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the UN asked for a worldwide ceasefire. Fake Media didn’t give him much space and the fact is that World Peace is around the corner. A few fights in Libya and Syria are exactly the places were  COVID-19 didn’t take any serious toll yet. As of yesterday April 22, by the way was Earth Day,

Out of 2.5 million confirmed cases in the world Syria has only 42 and 3 dead. Libya 59 confirmed and 1 dead. As soon as the COVID-19 progress the fights will cease to exist like in Yemen two weeks ago.

Humans are fighting a common enemy and not among themselves. The last big pandemic and a really deadly one was the Spanish flu in 1917, actually ended First World War. Will Coronavirus bring a permanent peace to the civilization? It is up to us. If you didn’t know yet, yes it sounds crazy, but I have a plan and it was published in the Journal of Global Health, believe it or not. Here is the link so read it, ask your president or prime minister to act upon it. If you have a direct contact with Antonio Guterres, a Portuguese Secretary General of the UN, connect me, we don’t want to miss this once in history time to punch that reset button with joy and full force. Furthermore, we have now perspective when we took a wrong turn thousand years ago, seven hundred years ago, one hundred years ago (the first car was electric, what happened?) etc. we care for each other, more than we ever knew. Let's just do it.

Having said all of this, I will perform a few songs starting with a ping pong game that will go to 11 points, just one game then a song on a guitar, move to piano and at the same time you can send your questions opinions, desires, concepts, recommendations, connections etc. all live. Nothing prerecorded to sound perfect and also, although I am in the recording studio, we'll not use much of technology, just an iPhone, no professional microphone or reverb, all acoustic and live. Simple and from the heart, See you and talk to you on Saturday April 25th, 2020.

Link to the World Peace in One Hour manifesto. issue201801/jogh-08-010205.htm . Link to PDF .

Pay attention on my Facebook profile , Instagram and YouTube . Mostly it will be on Facebook as of now.

The times for the livestream on Saturday April 25, 2020 will start at 10:00 a.m. New York Eastern Standard Time. This will be Midnight in Sydney, Australia, 11:00 p.m. Tokyo, 10:00 p.m. Singapore, 7:30 p.m. New Delhi, 4:00 p.m. Zagreb Croatia, 3:00 p.m. London, 11:00 a.m. Buenos Aires and 7:00 a.m. Los Angeles time.

Ping Pong Parkinson U.S. Open in Westchester, NY will be held November 7th and 8th, 2020. Updates to follow.

I hope these are final mixes for the live album. Two years into making. World Peace In One Hour. How many of you would be interested in buying vinyl?

What do you do while quarantined in a recording studio in New York? Play ping pong !


Novi List, April 12, 2020. If there is Heaven on Earth, it would be the Croatia that I'm thinking about. 
Thought of the day. Where the Coronavirus is present, there is no war.

- Video I Will Follow You Hi-rez
- Video Everything Is Forever Hi-rez
- Video Digital Revolution Hi-rez
- Video Daughter's Eyes Hi-Rez
Directed by Zoran Orlic, produced by Nenad Bach
- Video I will Follow You performed last year with the Dubuque Symphony Orchestra
Newsletter editor: Marko Puljic. Previous newsletters can be found at:
The Nenad Bach Band is:
Nenad Bach: lead vocal, piano, acoustic guitar
JoeDeSanctis: keyboards, backing vocal, melodica
Richard Lindsey: bass, backing vocal
Michael O’Keefe: drums, backing vocal
Al Orlo: guitar


Graphic design by Paul Enso Hillman. The blue dot represents the other side of the portal we are facing, the hope of a kinder future.

Follow Nenad on Twitter , Instagram , and Facebook .

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