Make your music recession proof! Sunday March 22 2020, 9:02 PM
Make your music recession proof!

Tours cancel for all kinds of reasons other then a virus.

That's why you need multiple streams of income with your music.

Not just touring and no need for a label.

Spotify Royalties just posted today.

If the country stays locked down for awhile...

...where do you think fans will go to listen to music?

They will go online and especially to Spotify!

Now is the time to 10x your streams and playlists.

Get the #1 Amazon best-selling book and video course Spotify Profits.

Get it here for 70% OFF for a limited time.

The #1 law of success is to maintain control.

Start building your fanbase and creating multiple streams of income from your music.

This is not a crisis.

This is an opportunity.

Get Spotify Profits Now for 70% OFF

Never give up!

The Indie Bible Team

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