If you are not doing these things to grow your music career, you should... Saturday February 22 2020, 9:55 AM
If you are not doing these things to grow your music career, you should...

If you are interested in selling more tickets, getting your music on playlists, building a loyal fanbase and monetizing your music with that fanbase, then you will want to come to this Free On-Demand Presentation “How To Make Money as a 21st Century Music Artist.”

Rick Barker who is The Host of The Music Industry Blueprint Podcast will tell you exactly how to do that and show you how artist just like you are doing it every day.

There are hundreds of thousands of music fans on Social Media every day.

Let Rick show you how to find them.

You will discover:

  • How to identify the engaged fans…
  • Where online to find them…
  • How to turn fans into loyal followers…
  • How to monetize those loyal followers…
  • And how to get paid ever day by having people play your music…

You will also hear how one band he works with took the Indie Spotify Bible and turned that into Over 250,000 Monthly Listeners!

This is an On-Demand Training, no having to wait to get this info.

CLICK HERE and get a personal invite…

You are making the investments in your career, now let that investment pay off!

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Contact zach@metaldevastationradio.com



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