LAMB OF GOD "This Whole Record Is Political" Tuesday February 11 2020, 6:45 PM
LAMB OF GOD "This Whole Record Is Political"

If you thought the first single from Lamb of God , "Checkmate," was political, wait until you hear the entire album. Frontman Randy Blythe, who is no stranger to commenting on the politics of the day , spoke with Kerrang! recently and revealed that "Checkmate" is just the tip of the iceberg.

Speaking of the new single, Randy Blythe tells Kerrang! "It’s the most on the nose politically, but this whole record is political.”

"There’s not a single song [on the album] about an individual. “When we had [George W. Bush] during the (2004 album) Ashes Of The Wake era, he was a whole lot easier to write specifics about because we had the war in Iraq, the mythical weapons of mass destruction, but right now, the political world everywhere looks like Peewee Herman’s playhouse.

"They are two sides of the same coin,” he continues. “Civility and discourse is at an all time low, and that’s because people view political parties now not for their policies, but they support these different parties like sports teams. The lyrics reflect that. The system is a fucking fraud.”

Lamb of God's self-titled new album is out May 8th. They'll be on tour this summer with Megadeth, Trivium and In Flames. Get dates here .

Via MetalInjection

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