Lambert’s Ex-Boyfriend Passionately Kissed By A Man In A Restroom Sunday January 26 2020, 8:42 AM
Lambert’s Ex-Boyfriend Passionately Kissed By A Man In A Restroom

Adam Lambert’s ex-boyfriend Javi Costa Polo, who is the famous Spanish model and social media phenomenon, has shared a couple of videos of himself while hanging out in the night club on his official Instagram account.

In one of the videos, Javi Costa appeared with a mysterious man in the restroom, and he was kissed by this mysterious guy. The fans are wondering if he has a new boyfriend but there’s no strong proof about that question.

Adam Lambert and Javi Costa parted their ways about two months ago but the connection between them is still strong. They are following each other on social media, even liking their recent photos

As you can see from those videos below, Javi Costa Polo didn’t caption anything in the posts.

A few days ago, Javi Costa Polo also shared a video of himself while giving hot poses for the camera on his official Instagram account.

He was lying down on the bed and giving really attractive poses for the camera. Also, Adam Lambert liked this post. Click here for the details.

Via MetalHeadZone

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