TEST YOUR METAL RECORDS Launch Artist Development Program Tuesday April 11 2017, 9:10 PM
TEST YOUR METAL RECORDS Launch Artist Development Program

Vancouver, BC based TEST YOUR METAL RECORDS (TYMR)  ( https://www. testyourmetalofficial.com ) is launching their Artist Development Program unique to the heavy metal music industry. TYMR will provide the necessary services, coaching and tools that artists (meaning the entire band) need to design a life and career for. Centered around helping the artists business, career and life path while providing the infrastructure that supports it. TYMR  aims to create independent and self-reliant artists by helping them develop the skills and knowledge needed to instill life-changing habits and core principles. To help bands not just make a living, but to help them define their career.

Artist Development Commercial -  https://www. youtube.com/watch?v= 63gFhm5FqkY  

For further details, please visit:  https://www. testyourmetalofficial.com/ artist-development  

In additional news,  TYMR is also actively searching Artist Relations (A&R) to build its team across North America.

“A&R are the first wave of creativity and the lifeblood of any record label.” said Mujeeb Basha, artist relations for USA-national.

Multiple positions will be filled geographically across North America, mostly the USA and metropolitan areas where heavy metal has a strong scene.  This is an investment and business opportunity. 

A&R focuses on the discovery; the nurturing and the development of musical talent, which helps define the creative identity of any record label.  Ideal candidates will understand that the job can be a balancing act between the desires of the artist and the desires of the label.  Ideal candidates will have professional skills such as human resources management, strong organizational skills, technical skills in recording music; communication skills, and project management are considered a bonus  

Inquiries may be directed in confidence via email to  info@testyourmetalrecords. com .

TEST YOUR METAL RECORDS  was founded in April 2015, by Grant Truesdell - a fellow musician and heavy metal advocate - out of the frustrations of seeing all of the underpaid and unsigned talent from all over the world not getting the recognition or help that they deserve. Realizing that there has to be a better way to help bands not just make a living, but to help them define a career for themselves.

Test Your Metal Record Releases:
2017 - Rapheuments Well - Enders Door (coming May 2017)
2017 - Terrifier - Weapons of Thrash Destruction
2016 - Solitude - Reach For The Sky (North American release)
2016 - Almah - E.V.O (North American release)
2016 - Hibria - XX (North American release)
2016 - Edu Falaschi - Moonlight (North American release)
2016 - Rapheumets Well - The Exile
2015 - Evilheart - Quinquaginta (North American release)
2015 - Hibria - Hibria (North American release)

For more info, please visit
http://www. testyourmetalofficial.com  

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