VOLUME DOOM streaming in full at Svbterranean! Wednesday February 20 2019, 10:41 PM
VOLUME DOOM streaming in full at Svbterranean!

VOLUME DOOM is now streaming in full over at Svbterranean.  The compilation spotlights artists that have been reviewed on the Connecticut-based music blog Alternative Control.

Blog founder Jessie May commented, " At the risk of sounding like an over-caffeinated teenager, I am super-excited about Volume Doom!  Alternative Control has put out comps in the past, but not for several years -- and this is definitely the most cohesive one in terms of genre and song quality. I went back through our recent reviews and guest columns, picked the best bands that fit under the stoner/doom genre umbrella, and invited them to be part of the compilation.  (Then I threw my own band on there, because hell, it's my band.)  Jim Clegg drew the badass album cover, which needs to go on a t-shirt one day -- you can find more of his artwork  here .  Prophecy Productions and Magnetic Eye Records were game for having some of their artists participate, and Dewar PR has been an immense help in publicizing the release.  The result is my dream mixtape, and I hope everyone who comes across it finds some new groups to dig into!

Head over to  Alternative Control's
bandcamp  to pre-order for a buck, or wait until Friday and download the comp for zero dollars or more.  (But why wait??  It's a dollar!  All proceeds will go towards AltCtrl's hosting and domain renewal costs.)  And if you find a band you really like, please support them by sharing and purchasing their tunes!  Friends in the CT/RI/MA area, join us for a local release party at Altone's in Jewett City, CT on Friday, Feb 22nd.  Free CD copy of Volume Doom with entry!  FB event  here  
 Stream the compilation here:   https://svbterranean. net/2019/02/20/svb-exclusive- stream-alternative-controls- volume-doom-compilation/

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