Indonesia's FETAL BLEEDING unleash the ultimate in dark, brutal death metal - The Quest Of Immortality - through Brute! Productions Thursday January 24 2019, 11:04 PM
Indonesia's FETAL BLEEDING unleash the ultimate in dark, brutal death metal - The Quest Of Immortality - through Brute! Productions

More than five years since the release of their debut EP, Basa, Basi, Busuk, Indonesia’s Fetal Bleeding have returned with their first full length album; a collection of songs steeped in darkness and drenched in direst cruelty. The Quest Of Immortality summons up images of secret cults, rituals of blood and flesh and ancient knowledge both arcane and obscene, all bound within the framework of some of the most chilling, inhuman brutal death metal imaginable.

From the seething, slithering riff that heralds the arrival of The Quest Of Immortality’s opening track, ‘…As Torture Become Lust’, the listener is wrenched from reality and flung headlong into a shadow world of inconceivable horrors. The utterly inhuman vocals of Yogga Beges speak from within the maelstrom, the voice of a devil from beyond the brink of madness, while the blast beats rain down like a torrent of fire. While there are countless bands that have the ability to impress with their speed, power and savagery, there are few who combine that sonic attack with an atmosphere that chills the blood. Fetal Bleeding will haunt your dreams with their visions of the forbidden and the insidious sense of evil that pervades their caustic creations.

An array of renowned talent from the Indonesian underground has been summoned to contribute their hellish talents to The Quest Of Immortality and the unmistakeable sounds of Syn (Undead Daredevil), Panyawat (Intricated), Aditya (Gerogot, Raw, Brain Damage) and Ridho (Gubouckgor Rec, Infitar, Choria) can be heard on horrific hymns like ‘The Useless One Bleeds’. Available now through the depraved machinations of the endlessly evil Brute! Productions, Fetal Bleeding’s The Quest Of Immortality awaits discovery by the brave; those to whom the darkness calls, those who walk with monsters and to whom the conventions of society mean nothing.

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