Battle Of The Bands Championship For The Week Of 11/25/18 - 11/30/18 Sunday November 25 2018, 9:48 PM
Battle Of The Bands Championship For The Week Of 11/25/18 - 11/30/18

Who will be the winning champion this week on MDR Battle Of The Bands?

Last weeks champion of the battle of the bands is " Inhuman Atrocities" Coming in with a devastating 7,176 votes! Check em out HERE !

I am proud to announce a new Championship addition to the already popular Band Of the Month – Battle Of The Bands we host every month on MDR! We now have band of the week as well and how does this work you ask? Well what we will do is run a poll with ten bands each week on starting each week and ending each Friday! The winning band each week will be blog posted on site and played and announced on The Zach Moonshine Show each Friday night between 9pm est and 1am.

At the end of the month we will tally the scores from all weeks polls for that month and the band with the highest score of votes will be the winning band for Band Of The Month which includes a feature on our Facebook page reaching thousands of fans, a feature on the front page of which gets around 100,000 views a month! Airplay every hour on our stream during general rotation and lots of shares on social media! If you want the world to know who your Battle Of The Bands Championship For The Week Of 11/25/18 - 11/30/18band is, this is the easiest way to make it happen!

If you want to compete in this battle, comment below with the name of your band and we will add you to next weeks battle or sign up and check email every week for battle submissions! Any band can compete an unlimited amount of times in this competition!

Click on the bands below you would like to vote for as many times as you like or add your own! Poll will be open till 4pm est 11/30/18

Image from Bell Of Lost Souls

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raleighsimon Wow, this is one of my favorite category music. I really love this blog post very much. So I thought of dropping few words here. I always love to make comment on the post I read. I believe that comments will encourage blog owners to do more posts. If you started out in this music industry, then you will most concern with freedom. You will have freedom to produce. You can play all the instruments on your records. You will get freedom to say anything about you wanted to. Music is a blessing from god. It is everything; you can do anything with it and whatever comes in your mind.

Battle of the Bands is a type of contest. This is mainly in which two or more bands compete for the title of "best band" in the music. The winner of best band is mainly determined by a voice vote of the audience. Or it is based on the band that brings most people to support them. Usually, battles of bands contest are held at live music events. It is easy to judge also.

We can also say that A Battle of the Bands is a challenging contest. Here many bands generally rock or metal bands. You can also see range of different styles. And also different musical act compete for the title of "best band". The band who won the contest usually receives a prize in addition to bragging rights. The prizes they receive generally include cash and free recording time in a local studio. Also get a piece of new equipment, or else a gift certificate.

A battle of bands is most competitive event. These are sometimes held as part of a live music event or forums. The band content is also commonly held at high schools and universities. The term "Battle of the Bands" is a trademark in Canada from 1998. I am very happy to go through with such a wonderful blog post. I also love to read Cheap essay writing service blog posts.

7 years ago
