Tutorial: How to Do Ghost’s Papa Emeritus III Makeup for Your Halloween Costume Friday October 26 2018, 4:55 PM
Tutorial: How to Do Ghost’s Papa Emeritus III Makeup for Your Halloween Costume

So far in our Halloween makeup tutorial series, we showed you how to transform yourself into KISS’s Ace Frehley and Gene Simmons. This time, not only do we show you how to become his eminence himself, Ghost’s Papa Emeritus III, but more importantly, we show you how to achieve a corpse paint look on a bearded face!

Yes, we know most of the heshers reading this are very beardy. We’re here to tell you that you don’t have to sacrifice your facial hair to have a metal Halloween. Besides, Novembeard starts as soon as October ends and we know you want to have a head start so you can show off to all of the Movember posers.

Our fuzziest editor, Graham Hartmann, had the privilege of being transformed into heavy metal papacy by makeup artist Christina Vega. While Christina started with the black paint for the last two videos, she actually starts with white this time, which seems to work a little better as she doesn’t have to correct her line work as much. When it comes time to cover Graham’s face mop, she impressively manages to get it completely saturated with her white Snazzaro paint.

As she demonstrates, the trick to ensure full facial coverage is to use a thicker paintbrush and to wiggle the brush horizontally throughout the coarse hairs. Then, after it dries, she goes back over it with a sponge. Seriously, this works like a charm! When I saw the aftermath, it took me a few seconds to even register that he still had his beard because the coverage was so impeccable.

Unlike the members of KISS, it’s very unlikely that Ghost mastermind Tobias Forge would ever show you how it’s done. Something about seeing him transform from man to myth would ruin the magic of Ghost — if only a bit.

Anyway, I’m sure by now you’re wondering where the “King” of Halloween is. Don’t fret, we’ll have another evil scene for you next! In the meantime, follow Christina Vega at @ChristinaVega_ on Instagram for more mind blowing ideas for this Halloween!

Via Loudwire

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