Rocking Romance: Unveiling the Mystique of Dating a Metalhead Tuesday May 28 2024, 9:25 AM
Rocking Romance: Unveiling the Mystique of Dating a Metalhead

Photo by Evgeniy Smersh on Unsplash

Having things in common is an obvious benefit to any relationship. Interests, hobbies, preferences – if too many of these things are out of sync between two people, the chances of them sticking together for the long haul grow slim.

Yet, this doesn’t mean that a couple should share all their interests and hobbies. It’s perfectly normal for two people to have some different interests and preferences. In fact, it’s to be expected and can be beneficial – opposites attract too, after all, right?

As with all other things, this too is usually a matter of moderation. The gist, however, is that it’s perfectly normal for you not to share every one of your date’s interests. However, what do you do if one of said interests you don’t share is particularly… “loud,” both metaphorically and literally? And, more importantly, what if that interest is especially integral to your date’s lifestyle and personality?

Yes, we’re obviously talking about rock and metal music, so let’s try unveiling the mystique of dating a metalhead. 

1. No, you don’t have to be a metalhead or a rocker yourself

Music is obviously important to a metalhead. And, yes, your metalhead boyfriend or girlfriend will likely try to get you hooked on their favorite genre, band, or singer. However, this doesn’t mean you necessarily have to become a metalhead yourself or even like your date’s favorite musician.

A relationship with a metal fan can be just as successful and full of love even if you don’t share that one particular interest of theirs. However, for the relationship to be successful, you’ll certainly need to have a lot of other things in common. Every successful relationship relies greatly on the two parties having shared interests .

So, given how crucial music is to a metalhead, you’d probably need to share most of their other major interests if you’re missing this one.

2. No two metal fans are the same

Here, we use the terms “metalhead” and “metal fan” a lot, as if they describe a completely precise type of person. That’s not really the case, however – metalheads come in all different types, just like all other people.

Some metalheads are extroverted, loud, and full of energy, and others are quiet, gentle, and introverted. Some are out 16 hours a day for work and partying, while others work from home and rarely go out. Some love headbanging with others, while others prefer to appreciate music alone and with headphones.

All this is to say – if your date has “metalhead” in your bio, don’t necessarily rush to conclusions. It’s quite likely that their personality will surprise you in more ways than one.  

3. Metal fans are often incredibly emotional… but not all are emotionally intelligent

Metal music is full of more raw emotions than most other genres. That’s why we love it, after all. This usually means that most metalheads are quite emotional people, even if they often put on a tough front.

However, being emotional and being emotionally intelligent are not the same things. We’d love to think that metalheads are more emotionally intelligent on average than most other people – after all, that’s the point of all those beautiful lyrics, right?

However, even if that’s the case, there are still a lot of metal fans out there who lean more toward “emotional” than “emotionally intelligent.” Emotional intelligence can be tricky, after all, and many people who think you have it are, unfortunately, very far from anything resembling emotional intelligence.

In other words, make sure you get to know the person you’re dating well, as there is a non-zero chance that they don’t really understand the beautiful lyrics they are citing.

4. Many metalheads are open to various different types of relationships

Rock and metal fans aren’t exactly known as conformists. Indeed, most of these people thrive on finding the illogical gaps in society’s behavioral trends and going against the grain.

In regards to dating, this tendency means a metalhead is usually comfortable exploring various non-traditional dating and relationship approaches – open relationships, polygamy, long-distance relationships, mail order bride relationships through sites, such as BridesUniverse , and other types of relationships other people might deem as “peculiar.”

5. Going out all the time doesn’t make a metalhead an extrovert

Contrary to popular belief, not all metalheads go out to clubs, concerts, and festivals every weekend. Some do, while others prefer to go to concerts only on special occasions. More crucially, however, even a metal fan who goes out regularly isn’t necessarily an “extrovert.”

Many introverted metalheads have mastered the art of going solo. For many others, finding a significant other to go to clubs and concerts with is all the “socialization” they need.

6. There are dozens of different rock and metal genres – and many of them are quite different

Technically, we’d say there are hundreds of different genres of rock and metal, if not more. However, to keep things quick, simple, and sweet, we can hopefully agree that there are many dozens of different genres at the very least.

Why is this important for your dating endeavors? Well, because there is a mountain of difference between a Death metal fan, a Kawaii metal fan, and a Symphonic metal fan.

For many people who don’t listen to either rock or metal, the first association for “metal music” is “the guys that scream instead of singing.” Yet, not only is that not quite true even for Death and Black metal, but it’s incredibly far from true for many other genres of metal.

So, if you find someone cute, but you’re initially put off by the word “metal” in their bio, it’s a good idea to first ask them a couple of questions about their preferred genre before you swipe left.

7. Music is more than just “fun” for them

A key fact to remember for most metal fans is that metal is more than just “something fun to listen to.” For them, it’s a hobby, it’s a way to vent, it’s a way to socialize, and it’s an entire lifestyle.

As we said above, this doesn’t necessarily mean you have to become a metalhead yourself. And it doesn’t mean that you can’t have some requirements toward them (such as that they use headphones when you’re around). However, it does mean that your metalhead girlfriend or boyfriend will need you to respect their love for this music genre, as they quite literally see it as a part of themselves.

Wrapping up

Metal fans are some of the most awesome, emotional, and devoted people out there, and many of them make for the best possible romantic partners. As with any other type of person, of course, there are some peculiarities you might want to be conscious of when you get into a relationship with a metalhead.

However, as long as you’ve found a truly cool person to be with, their love for metal will not only not be an impediment to your relationship, but it will be an amazing spice to it instead.

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