DUNGEÖNHAMMER: "Infernal Moon" Out Now Sunday October 14 2018, 1:44 PM
DUNGEÖNHAMMER: "Infernal Moon" Out Now

Infernal Moon, the full-length debut from old-school black/thrash metal duo DUNGEÖNHAMMER, is out now on Pulverised Records. The album is available on CD and digital formats at

"This is first wave black metal/black'n'roll heavily inspired by the mightiest beanie of them all. Though less of a snarl and more of a grunt, the Cetlic spirit notably haunts the vocal approach and many of the riffs. Many, not all; for as close as they get to their idols at times, they never fail to inject a playful thrash/punk vibe, which gives everything a lightheartedness that makes this just so much fun to listen to." - Toilet Ov Hell

DUNGEÖNHAMMER was formed by two maniacs - one from The Netherlands, the other France - who met while studying in Milan, Italy. What started as a friendship born from a shared passion of '80s thrash and speed metal bands soon became the repulsive, two-headed beast known as DUNGEÖNHAMMER.

With Infernal Moon, DUNGEÖNHAMMER delivers pure filth, hypnotic, convulsion-inducing rhythms and an uncontrollable urge to bang your head. DUNGEÖNHAMMER rounds out this mayhem with vocals reminiscent of Tom G. Warrior's Hammer ov Hell days and a nod to early '90s Scandinavian death metal.

Cover art by Timo Ketola (Watain, Deathspell Omega, Antaeus, Krypts). The vinyl edition of Infernal Moon is coming soon from Me Saco Un Ojo Records.

E. - Drums
R. - Guitar, Vocals

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