STEELWINGS - Still Rising - Reviewed By keep-on-rocking! Wednesday January 18 2023, 1:02 AM
STEELWINGS - Still Rising - Reviewed By keep-on-rocking!

STEELWINGS - Still Rising - Reviewed By keep-on-rocking ! Check it out here at this link:

It's been almost three years. The Swedes from Steelwings celebrated an impressive comeback. " Back " was released thirty years after the debut . Shortly afterwards I also interviewed the band . Now Steelwings have released the sequel "Still Rising". Luckily there hasn't been a change in the band in the past. Only the label was changed. Now the band is signed to Pure Steel Records, a division of Soulfood Music. 

Band pic STEELWINGS 2022Right at the beginning there are the two hits "Hell Or High Water" and "Stand Up And Fight". There is no better way to start the album. Old School Heavy Metal at its finest. Hard riffs, sing-along choruses and singer Tommy Söderström in top form. This is high energy metal of the 1980s. Somewhere in the intersection of AC/DC, Saxon and Rose Tattoo (but without slide guitar). However, the Swedes can't maintain this energy over the entire duration of the game. So the rhythmic "Break Of Day" comes across a bit calmer, but without losing any of the degrees of heaviness. This song could have been on a Saxon album. As does the "Like A Shadow In The Night" that follows later. In between there are some AC/DC quotes on “Hey Hey”. Rocket counts down a rocket launch countdown. What follows is pure straight rock 'n' roll. In "My Rock'n Roll" this genre name is even in the song title. The mid-tempo rocker "Rock On" lives from the stomping drum rhythm and the guitar hooks. And of course the excellent guitar solo. The guitar playing on "Easy To Go" reminds you a little bit of Led Zeppelin. But Jimmy Page played despiteall in a completely different league. The anthem "Heat Of The Night" puts the final point under a good album.

okay okay With "Back" the Swedes managed a surprise coup in 2019. The current work can't quite keep up with that. And not just because of the cheesy cover. At Steelwings, everyday life has returned. That doesn't mean that “Still Rising” is a bad album though. But on the contrary. I like this album a lot too. And quite a few other bands would be happy to put one out on the market. I highly recommend Still Rising. - keep-on-rocking

Release Date: November 25 , 2022

FFO: Saxon, Judas Priest, AC/DC

Location: Sweden

STEELWINGS play classic hard rock/heavy metal with roots firmly from the eighties. They were formed in 1982 and were part of the FWOSHM (First Wave Of Swedish Heavy Metal) The band played a lot of shows during this time and the music was mainly spread by tape-trading. In 1983 the band went to England and recorded two songs, the song “Live Your Life” is featured on their ‘Metal Plated’ compilation album. They also appeared on the charity record Swedish Metal Aid, together with other Swedish heavy rockbands such as Europe, Treat and Heavy Load. The last album before their hiatus - "Steelwings" - was released on LP and CD in 1989.

Mike Amott of Arch Enemy , who saw STEELWINGS as a young kid back in the mid 80’s, stated: “They were the real thing, all dressed up and with big lights and homemade pyrotechnics!”.

In 2007 the new era for STEELWINGS begun, when the band was asked to perform on the 700 years anniversary festival of the city of Markaryd .

2019 STEELWINGS released their comeback album "Back", on CD and red vinyl. The album was well received and put the band back on the hard rock map.

After a long band history, STEELWINGS now have joined forces with Pure Steel Records for the worldwide release of their strong new album called "Still Rising".

The current line-up features the founding members Tommy, Michael and Gert-Inge.  

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Bandpic STEELWINGS 2022.jpg

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