AMKEN - PASSIVE AGGRESSION - Reviewed By Metal Division Magazine! Thursday December 8 2022, 2:24 PM
AMKEN - PASSIVE AGGRESSION - Reviewed By Metal Division Magazine!

AMKEN - PASSIVE AGGRESSION - Reviewed By Metal Division Magazine ! Check it out here at this link:

AMKEN captivate with their unbridled brute force and anger, which are joined by melodies that uniquely combine both on "Passive Aggression". But not only that, the band also shines vocally with a wide range, and in top form. But also on the instrumental front, AMKEN convince with mercilessly good craftsmanship. AMKEN skilfully combines technical finesse with well thought-out melodies. The guitar work is outstanding, because this album consists first of all of concise and distinctive riffs. In addition some highly melodic, virtuosic leads, polished, accentuated solos. Speed ​​grenades like "The Li(f)e We Lead" alternate with a snotty punk impact like "We Came From Nothing".

"Passive Aggression" maintains an immensely high level of energy throughout the entire game, without getting bored with one-dimensional non-stop bludgeoning. The whole thing is supported by a killer production. There is also no trace of the sterile guitar sounds that are so common today. AMKEN combine old with new on "Passive Aggression", meaning the album is very hard and melodic, sounds traditional and up-to-date at the same time. In this way, complexity and sheer brute force are coupled to form a powerful symbiosis, which is crowned by murderous hooklines, such as in "The Underdogs".

Quite simply a very good album. - Metal Division Magazine

Release Date: 26th August 2022

FFO: Power Trip, Sepultura, Kreator

Location: Athens,Greece

AMKEN was formed in 2011 in Athens, Greece. Blood-pumping thrash metal that bridges the gap between old-school and the new-era, crafted by the band's unique style.

With the new album “Passive Aggression”, out on August 26th 2022 via Massacre Records, AMKEN really elevated their game. A wall of sound is created by the constant "dialog" between their singers, the super tight rhythm section that the bass provides alongside with the relentless pummeling drumming, combined with intricate riffs and emotional melodies that the guitars unleash. Fotis Benardo (Sixfornine, ex-Septicflesh) was behind the mixing desk, inspiring the band to shape their new sound which blends originally their vintage roots with modern elements and influences. The mastering was completed by George Nerantzis (Abbath, Dark Funeral, Pain Of Salvation), and artwork fashioned by Adam Burke (Vektor, Fit for an Autopsy, Hooded Menace, Creeping Death).

Check out this video!

Amken 01 by Panagiotis Grammatikakis.jpg

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