Epidermal Veil - Psalms of the Flayed - Reviewed By Metal Rules! Tuesday November 22 2022, 3:24 PM
Epidermal Veil - Psalms of the Flayed - Reviewed By Metal Rules!

Epidermal Veil - Psalms of the Flayed - Reviewed By Metal Rules ! Check it out here at this link: https://www.metal-rules.com/2022/11/01/quick-jabs-for-november-2022/

Though but a year old, Iceland’s Epidermal Veil show a pretty deft hand at melding technical death metal with brutal death metal on their impressive debut EP. Indeed, the band nail it pretty much from the get-go with the EP’s bad-ass cover art and follow through with the music itself – which is always a sound strategy that too many upstart acts seem to forget. Not these guys. “Crimson Skies” storms out of the gate with Black Dahlia Murder-like finesse and Cannibal Corpse-like heft, delivering dexterity and crunch in equal measures. Corpsegrinder-like frontman Ingólfur Ólafsson adds a splash of uber-brutal pukey/gurgly vocalizing here and on “A Darkened Wasteland,” but thankfully doesn’t go overboard since that might have cheapened what is a pretty darn sophisticated, though certainly intense, performance by his bandmates. “Wasteland” closes with a send up of “When Johnny Comes Marching Home,” so these guys seem to like to work as much with dramatic contrast as with brutality, which is cool. And when Epidermal Veil get into full tech-death mode, as on the lithe, hyperspeed “My Wish You Veil Of Flesh,” they pull it off without a hitch, showing Hate Eternal/Beyond Creation-like savvy. While there isn’t much of a relative sample to go by, I would dare say Epidermal Veil are the best band of their ilk to emerge from Iceland since Beneath, who have been unfortunately quiet since 2017 after a trio of releases on Unique Leader Records. Thankfully, these guys have come along to pull up some of the slack. - Metal Rules

 Release Date: November 4th, 2022

FFO: The Black Dahlia Murder, Obscura, Beyond Creation

Location:Reykjavík, Iceland

 Short Bio: Embodied in 2021, Epidermal Veil was made with the clear goal to write technical and catchy death metal and elevating the sound of Icelandic technical death metal. Being from the ever so isolated place of Reykjavik Iceland and cursed with the pandemic Epidermal Veil is not holding any punches back.

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