Aeon Of Awareness - Wairua - Reviewed By Metal Digest! Thursday April 28 2022, 6:27 PM
Aeon Of Awareness - Wairua - Reviewed By Metal Digest!

Aeon Of Awareness - Wairua - Reviewed By Metal Digest ! Check it out here at this link:

There is a fine line between cultural appreciation and cultural appropriation and what can be appreciative can suddenly feel quite distant and offensive. Yet, Aeon of Awareness (AoA) have managed to sidestep this as the German duo carefully weave Māori myths and legends into a melodic death metal sound with AoA delivering their latest EP ‘Wairua’.

                What AoA have done here with ‘Wairua’ is pick up where the previous EP ‘Dialogue with the Unconscious’ left off meaning that the listener is treated to some real interesting melo death vibes. Tracks such as ‘Te Kore’, ‘Rise of Tāne’ and ‘Revenge of Tāwhirl’ show a band delivering some real Machine Head power, particularly for those who were fans of ‘Unto the Locust’, but furthermore, this EP also has the appeal of Wolfheart, Be’Lakor and Deserted Fear whilst also reaching back into In Flames and Dark Tranquillity in their prime with some excellent musicianship which implores the listener to continue.

                The main real downside to ‘Wairua’ is that there’s just not enough of it, just when the EP gets going it ends and whilst this is great for replayability it leaves the listener baying for more and sets the band up perfectly for their debut studio album. If its anything like these two EP’s, it’s something to seriously look forward to. - Metal Digest

Release Date: April 15th, 2022

FFO: Wolfheart, Be'lakor, older In Flames, Deserted Fear

Location: New Zealand

This Two Man Army was launched in 2020. At a time that confronts us with uncertainties and restrictions on various levels, it’s time to bundle creative energies and put a long-awaited wish into practice.

The new EP is called WAIRUA and contains five new songs including three older bonus tracks.  In the world of the Tangata Whenua, the indigenous people of New Zealand, Wairua is described as the non-physical spirit of a person which exists beyond death. It represents the life essence of every human being.

On the content level, this EP represents an exciting musical journey, exploring the deep mythology of the Māori. Here, topics were deliberately chosen that can also be transferred to today's challenges of modern societies. In addition, all tracks are related to each other in terms of content.

As on the previous EP, WAIRUA contains spherical melodic death metal tracks that occasionally make use of elements from black metal and death doom.

Check out this video!

More information about the essence and the creative power of Aeon of Awareness can be found under the following links:




Dmitriy Churilov

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