Neuropsy - Vivisection of the Demented - Reviewed By Metal Temple! Thursday April 14 2022, 3:49 PM
Neuropsy - Vivisection of the Demented - Reviewed By Metal Temple!

Neuropsy - Vivisection of the Demented - Reviewed By Metal Temple ! Check it out here at this link:

After the commercial success of  MOONSPELL  in the second half of the 90’s, the Metal scene of Portugal became known and many bands arose there, as the previous name earned attention. Today, the Lusitanian Metal scene is consolidated, and many good bands release very good works on every Metal genre one can think of. And obviously, Death Metal has some very good names, as  NEUROPSY , a quartet of Setúbal that comes ripping ears apart with their latest release,  “Vivisection of the Demented” .

Their work can be said as a classic form of playing Death Metal with an actual outfit that is influenced by US Death Metal scene, having as references names as  CANNIBAL CORPSE, IMMOLATION  and  SUFFOCATION . But hold your horses: these four guys work on a way that is personal, with that caustic aggressiveness and brutality of the genre, but with an intelligent insight. It’s full of energy and abrasive as Hell, so be prepared to have your necks smashed.  Flavio Kebras  (the band’s guitarist and drum programmer) is the one who took care of the recording, mixing and mastering, creating a classic outfit: brutal and crude, what Death Metal acts need to show their work. But one must pay attention that things are sounding defined and in a way that can be easily understood by anyone.

“Breakpoint”  is just an introduction to the explicit brutality imposed by  “Unsettled Seed of Existence”  (a sharp and brutal attack of massive guitar riffs). On  “A Clockwork to Dementia” , even with the brutality of classic Death Metal, the band shows courage to use some unusual arrangements (and the compact work from bass guitar and programmed drums is really excellent).  “Needle Thrusted Sanity”  is insane and oppressive at full force, and it’s full of a caustic feeling and some technical parts, and good grunts, and the same appears on  “At the Verge of the Mirror” . And  “Mutated Humans”  is fast and insane, with sickening contrasts on the rhythms and riffs. It’s a massacre! Yes,  NEUROPSY  is really a very good name from the Portugal Death Metal scene, so praise and hear what is offered on  “Vivisection of the Demented” . - Metal Temple

Release Date: January 20, 2022

FFO: Soreption, Beyond Creation, Suffocation, Cattle Decapitation

Location: Portugal

Label: DyMM P&M

Neuropsy is a Death Metal band from Setúbal, Portugal, formed in 2016 by Fábio Abenta (vocals), João Martins (guitar), Jorge Leitner (bass) and Oleg Lozhkin (drums). The band has released one EP in 2017 focusing on Egyptian lyrical themes and a full-length album on 2018, focusing on gore, death, doom and destruction based lyrical themes, with an old school sound, raw, groovy and straight to the point.

As for the new upcoming EP ''Vivisection Of The Demented'' soon to be released in January 2022, the band has worked on this record for the past three years. There has been lineup changes throughout this period, having the current line up been completed as of recently, consisting of Fábio Abenta (vocals), João Martins (guitar), Flávio Kebras (guitar) and Jorge Leitner (bass). The band is currently without a drummer. The main themes for the songs on this record are based on the human fragile psyche. It dwells deeper on the problems of the mind such as depression, dementia, schizophrenia, among other mental disorders. It draws from different perspectives, such as personal introspective on the sickness, the outcome of your being determined by those in power of your life, the simple understanding of our meaningless existence, and even satire regarding the lunacy and insanity of our mindset. The music presents you with some solid death metal riffage, with a good balance of heaviness, melody, groove and rhythm variations.

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