CHEMICIDE 'Common Sense" - Reviewed by FULL METAL MAYHEM! Thursday April 14 2022, 11:11 AM
CHEMICIDE 'Common Sense" - Reviewed by FULL METAL MAYHEM!

CHEMICIDE 'Common Sense" - Reviewed by FULL METAL MAYHEM ! Check it out here at this link:

Release date: The album was released on March 15, 2022.

Other releases of the band: This is their fourth album. In addition, they have released two singles and one EP and split each on the world. The latter they even brought out with themselves, in 2008 they changed the name and probably as a sign of change this split. As Conqueror they also put out a demo.

On which label releases: RipRide Records are responsible for this attack on the eardrums.

How did I get to know the band: Here the Metal Devastation Radio approached me and, as so often, sent me an album. And here we go.

How do I find the disc: It starts right away with full power and decent speed. In addition, there is the singer who spits poison and bile into his microphone. In between, every now and then a few violent moshparts, because at some point you have to drink your beer. So all in all we have thrash metal here as I love it. Bonus points are still available for the cover in green.

LUNAR ETERNITY captivated me directly. Yes, the opener or the title track also have it all, but here everything is combined, what I expect from a thrash metal song. BARRED EXISTANCE sounds strange. On the one hand stomping and unstoppable, on the other hand somehow melancholic. I don't know exactly how to classify the track, but it definitely gets on the list. Also one of my favorites is the stick-hard STRIKE AS ONE, which for me is even the highlight of the album. Everything is right, a little more aggressive than LUNAR ETERNITY. Just awesome.

Conclusion: All in all a damn cool album. I almost fell back into my old review pattern here, because there are no weak songs here and I would have liked to have packed them all into the list. Thrashers should definitely take a look. So listen in: - FULL METAL MAYHEM

Release Date: March 15, 2022

FFO: Kreator, Dark Angel, Destruction

Location: San José, Costa Rica

Label: Ripride Records

Order from Bandcamp directly or from the RipRide Shop here below:
A few reviews are already in:
"Chemicide have taken what thrash is all about and then pushed the boundaries a little bit further, and they've succeeded, by producing an album of the highest quality." —
"brilliant songwriting and oh so many fucking riffs, and you've got a serious ball busting record of thrash glory. I love it." —
"Dropping thrash metal missiles from up high, the group cause some wide-spread devastation with these explosive hits." —
Chemicide started back in 2011 releasing their 1st EP titled Radioactive Annihilation. In April 2015 the band releases their first full length digitally through Bandcamp and shortly after is picked up by Canadian label PRC Music to release it on a CD format. 2017 the band hits the studio and comes out with The Act of Retaliation which allows the band to grab a much bigger audience and as a result 15 dates through the northeastern part of Canada. 2019 Chemicide releases their best seller to date “Inequality” selling over 3000 copies worldwide and the band goes on for a 13-date tour through Canada and Mexico. 2020 COVID-19 stopped the touring for the band, so they went back to the studio to release 2 singles; an original titled Uncertain Future and a cover of Negative Approach’s “Tied Down”. The band went back to the studio in 2021, this time to record with Juan Pablo Calvo and for the 1st time mix and master the album with Argentinian artist and producer Martín Furia, who’s the lead guitarist for German Thrash Metal legends “Destruction”.
Their newest production is titled Common Sense and brings a raw sound combined with more aggressiveness and heavier riffs. It's coming out on RIPRIDE RECORDS on March 15.
 Check this 1-minute "unboxing" video to give you an idea of how great the album looks!
Check out these videos!

Support the band on Bandcamp!


Pre-orders are running now and shipping around 2022/03/10:
Order through RipRide's Big Cartel: Order through RipRide's Bandcamp:

CHEMICIDE at Ripride:

The CHEMICIDE new album and entire back catalogue is available on RipRide's Bandcamp or Big Cartel!
RipRide Records is a new label born from the ashes of PRC MUSIC who stopped all operations on December 31st, 2020, after 10 years, 150 releases, numerous tours, showcases etc.
RipRide is distributed worldwide via MVD AUDIO through the best distributors (PHD, CARGO, GOOD FELLOWS, SEASON OF MIST, SUBURBAN etc.) you can think of.
RipRide Record's name is a tribute to the almighty VENOM and is specializing in old school thrash, Speed and classic metal exclusively! We're looking for bands to work with!

Follow the band at these links:


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