Misanthropik Records - Featured Interview & The Zach Moonshine Show Saturday May 8 2021, 11:54 AM
Misanthropik Records - Featured Interview & The Zach Moonshine Show

Erick Leviathan from Misanthropik Torment and the owner of Misanthropik Records joins us for a live interview answering fan submitted questions. We talk about his time in prison and his conviction. We talk about how he started the label and the upcoming Summer Of Madness Festival. We play new music from his band as well as new releases from Revolting, Ironbound, DEBAUCHERY, SOLSTICE, Kriegszittern, Ren Marabou, Bohemyst, Cemetery Echo, Consumption, PICTURED, Coscradh, Killing Addiction, LUCIFER'S HAMMER, Mephitic Grave, RITUAL SACRIFICE, Cynik Scald, ZOE, No Picky, Stygian Fair, Sepulcros, The Flight of Sleipnir, Coagulate. We also play some classics by request from Six Feet Under, Pantera, and Ted Nugent!

Track List:

1 - Defleshed/1888/The Shadow At The World's End - Revolting
2 - The Zach Moonshine Intro
3 - When Eagles Fly - Ironbound
4 - Bloodking - DEBAUCHERY
5 - Who Bleeds Whom - SOLSTICE
6 - My Hatred/Sick In The Head - Six Feet Under
7 - Domination - Pantera
8 - Gladiator - Kriegszittern
9 - Fragmented Red Sun - BLOT MINE
10 - Misanthropik Records Interview featuring Misanthropik Torment - PURGE/ZERO-FUCKS/THE-VICTIM-HAS-DIED
11 - Axe-in-the-Back - Ren Marabou
12 - Nekromantika - Bohemyst
13 - Transylvanian Moon - Cemetery Echo
14 - Infectus Exteriorisation - Consumption
15 - The Dwelling - PICTURED
16 - Great White Buffalo - Ted Nugent
17 - Plagues of Knowth - Coscradh
18 - Destroyer_of_Worlds - Killing Addiction
19 - I Believe in You - LUCIFER'S HAMMER
20 - Straight Into Dead Madness - Mephitic Grave
21 - Empty Churches - RITUAL SACRIFICE
22 - Army Romance - Cynik Scald
23 - White Trash - ZOE
24 - Carol Lobotomy - No Picky
25 - Dark_Angel - Stygian Fair
26 - Marcha Funebre - Sepulcros
27 - Bathe the Stone in Blood - The Flight of Sleipnir
28 - Up from the Vats - Coagulate

Listen to the full episode below on Mixcloud!

Listen to the interview on Spotify!

Listen to the interview on YouTube!

You can also follow all our interviews on Apple iTunes!


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Lexington, Kentucky's ' Misanthropik Torment' is an Old-school Death Metal Band. Misanthropik Torment's sole purpose is to enlighten the world through the chaotic insanity that is the chaos theory , to stand against tyranny and advocate for the execution of all rapists and pedophiles!

Camp Verde, Arizona - January 14th, 2000, Misanthropik Torment mastermind Erick Scarlet (AKA Erick Leviathan ) was arrested and later charged with "Dangerous Deadly Assault" after he attacked and stabbed Jason Tardiff 56 times in the groin area, severing the mans penis. Erick was sentenced to 16 years in prison. Erick claims he attacked Jason after finding out that Jason was sexually assaulting his girlfriends three and a half year old daughter. During Ericks 16 years in prison, he began writing the lyrics for the songs that are now performed by his band Misanthropik Torment.

April 2021, Misanthropik Torment Signed A  Distribution Deal With Envenomed Music!


Misanthropik Torment is also endorsed by WB Gear!

Support the band and cause by purchasing merch and music from them on Bandcamp!

" Those who would choose to be cowards and prey upon the weak, We Must Kill Them!!! No longer shall we sit back in the shadows quietly observing the sickness of humanity.  The new album Murder Is My Remedy, can only be described as one of the most brutal death metal albums of 2021, this album dives into the psyche of the mind of the deranged on the hunt to eridacate the world of pedophiles and Nazi scum!" - Leviathan

 A lot of people ask what is the meaning behind ' Misanthropik Torment '?  " Misanthropy is an extreme hatred for humanity, in which I do have, however by my nature I am not a hateful person, it is the sickness of humanity that has driven me to be Misanthropik . Because by my nature I am not a hateful person, I am tormented by my own hatred, thus Misanthropik Torment was created. I am the product of what the world has created me to be, this monster that they hate is the reflection of themselves. " - Leviathan

Misanthropik Torment is also currently working on a book titled ' The Evolution Of My Psychosis ' due to be released by January 1st of 2022 along with 2 new albums!

For fans of Six Feet Under, Morbid Angel, Dying Fetus

Check out the new lyric video for 'Zero Fucks'!

Check out these singles from the album!


Check the band out on Spotify and add them to your playlists!

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Misanthropik Torment is:

Hector -The Beast - Drums

Jim Pasini - Bass Guitar

Josh Freeman - Guitars

Erick Leviathan Scarlet - Vocals

Follow the band at these links:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ErickLeviathanScarlet/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MetalconectionX

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/metalconectionnewsmx/

Music Links:

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQlEcnB2aQG3t_gU4UrrQIQ

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3TEDJTdOP5GPBfsLOYVLwI

Bandcamp: https://misanthropiktorment.bandcamp.com/

Reverbnation: https://www.reverbnation.com/misanthropiktorment

Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/us/artist/61133342/radio ...

Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/misanthropik-torment/1448445594

Ever Metal: https://ever-metal.com/tag/misanthropik-torment/


Reviews - Interviews - Promo - Radio Play

Contact zach@metaldevastationradio.com



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