CHAOS ECHŒS: "Ecstasy With The Nonexistents" - Announcement + Promo Saturday January 23 2021, 9:02 PM
CHAOS ECHŒS: "Ecstasy With The Nonexistents" - Announcement + Promo

Dear Friends in the Press and Media worldwide,

We're honored to present you with the imminent and first ever vinyl release of "Ecstasy With the Nonexistents", the final posthumous release from unrivaled French experimental death metal masters Chaos Echœs.

Perhaps their most ambitious, imaginative and all-encapsulating recorded output ever, "Ecstasy With the Nonexistents" represents the final testament from the absolute gods of underground experimental death metal. First released as disc 1 of the 2019 2CD outtakes compilation "Remains" (first released in 2019 via Utech Records), this massive and gloriously-sounding professionally mixed and mastered live soundboard recording captures the french masters of ritualistic death metal alchemy at the pinnacle of their transformative power as they step out of every comfort zone known to revisit familiar places and re-emerge into a new and unseen transfiguration of themselves. Profoundly moving and ungraspably visionary, "Ecstasy With the Nonexistents" sees the French alchemists metamorph and manipulate some of their most iconic tracks to subvert and transcend their own identity, creating a ritual within a ritual, where death and black metal, experimental noise and ritual ambient dissolve into a singular flow of consciousness dictated by the abstract axioms of transformation, ritual improvisation and free form deconstructionism. 

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