MOURNERS set release date for PERSONAL RECORDS debut, reveal first track - features members of EYE OF SOLITUDE, CLOUDS+++ Tuesday December 8 2020, 6:04 PM
MOURNERS set release date for PERSONAL RECORDS debut, reveal first track - features members of EYE OF SOLITUDE, CLOUDS+++

On February 5th, 2021, Personal Records is proud to present Mourners’ highly anticipated debut album, Act I: Tragedies. Personal Records is the new label imprint of Majestic Downfall mainman Jacobo Córdova, and will be distributed by Chaos Records.

Hailing from Romania, Mourners arise from the ashes of funeral doom legends Eye of Solitude. In many ways, Mourners is a continuation of Eye of Solitude’s legacy – incredibly heavy and slow, tense atmospheres, and utterly gut-wrenching guitars – but in other ways, the band is its own entity entirely.

Indeed, after a decade of being scene kings, Eye of Solitude give way to Mourners, who seek an even-more-uncompromising sound with their debut album, Act I: Tragedies. At once even heavier and more atmospheric Mourners’ first full-length seeks extremes of expression, dragging the listener down into a deep well of solitude (of course!) and smothering impossibly dense layers upon it so that there’s no escape…ever.

But, likewise crucial to Mourners’ background is the highly acclaimed Clouds: both Daniel N and Mike D, Mourners’ central duo, play in that ongoing atmospheric doom-death formation. Not surprisingly, the resulting sound of Act I: Tragedies is paradigmatic FUNERAL DOOM, and proudly so, but also with considerable flavor from classic doom-death, indeed giving Mourners an even-more-crushing aspect.

It is not hyperbole to say that the impeccably monikered Mourners take the wider funeral doom / doom-death genre to a whole new level whilst (proudly) staying within its boundaries. Graced with suitably somber cover art courtesy of Gogo Melone, Act I: Tragedies starts the year on the highest of highs – by taking the listener to the lowest of lows.

Begin trawling through those lows with the brand-new track "The Way of Darkness" HERE at Personal Records' Bandcamp. Aforementioned cover art and tracklisting are as follows:

Tracklisting for Mourners' Act I: Tragedies

1. Apparitions [2:11]
2. The Way Of Darkness [10:30]
3. Souls Breathing Nothingness [10:21]
4. Lost [2:32]
5. Ansu Enthroned [9:03]
6. Forms Of Delusion [8:35]
7. Journey In Fear [7:31]

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