Temponaut - Meridian - Reviewed By North From Northern! Tuesday October 27 2020, 5:33 AM
Temponaut - Meridian - Reviewed By North From Northern!

Temponaut - Meridian - Reviewed By North From Northern! check it out here at this link: https://northfromnorthern.wordpress.com/2020/10/27/review-temponaut-meridian/

Temponaut are hailing from Virginia and this is their brand new e.p. These guys play their vision of progressive metalcore with many influences and excellent musicianship. There are six songs on this little record and Buffering is kind of weird yet ominous intro to the things coming afterwards. Meridian of Misery sounds a bit chaotic but evolves in the last third of the song into awesome melody sounding a bit like Gothenburg style death metal, the only thing lacking here in my opinion are vocals and that would be fantastic. Yes, the whole record is instrumental with no vocals, but no matter, Temponaut let their music speak for itself. Lockout is a song that sounds with awesome drum coupled with bass and atmospheric almost post black metal vibe and with keyboard melody behind it brings the whole thing to a nice slow rolling ocean of emotions. We Have Our Heading is the longest song on the record and being a mixture of heavy metal, I even hear some doom metal in there, but the drumming and changes in the tempo and atmosphere from upbeat metal to sludge post black metal are just fantastic! This does not get boring for one second while listening. Forgotten is somehow the most weird and noise sounding song on the record with that weird wicked melody at the end of the song that gets under your skin and just doesn´t get out for hours. The Rudis is the last song on the record and also being the most epic and reminded me a lot of one band from my hometown Emphasis, who play similar kind of songs. Good one.

Webzine links-Kraykulla Webzine: https://kraykulla.wordpress.com/ 
 -North From Northern: https://northfromnorthern.wordpress.com/ 
Fb page: Kraykulla: https://www.facebook.com/kraykullazine/ 
 North From Northern: https://www.facebook.com/northfromnorthern/
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Band bio: Temponaut is an American band from Virginia that plays progressive metalcore music. The name Temponaut comes from the words music or time traveler. Their latest release is the Meridian EP.

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