Behemoth - “In Absentia Dei” - Review Sunday October 11 2020, 11:00 PM
Behemoth - “In Absentia Dei” - Review

Behemoth creates the ultimate experience of live streaming with “ In Absentia Dei ”. Filmed and shot in the dark of night at a historic church in Poland . Behemoth sets the atmosphere with fire , smoke , blood , and blasphemy . Nergal and Behemoth , have always had a drive for perfection when it comes to production, aesthetics, and sound. This live stream performance perfectly reflects that drive. A feast for the senses.

The live stream is broken up into four acts. Each one consists of cinematic intros like they are known for in their music videos. Everything from the four horsemen of the apocalypse , to a nude crucified woman suspended and dripping blood before them while they perform. This is integrated with live shots of the Polish church seemingly ablaze with advanced pyrotechnics, smoke and top of the line lighting effects. Each act includes stellar performances of numerous Behemoth songs which spans their entire career. A must have for any Behemoth fan. The sound quality of the live performance is as high of quality as it can get. (I mean Slayer , Metallica Blu-ray quality!) Speaking of Blu-ray, this better be released soon in some sort of physical format. This was the type of performance you want to watch over and over again! This was a night of pure black metal magic! If you were there you know what i am talking about!

This groundbreaking live stream concert event sets the bar for all others that will come after it. Actually, Behemoth does not just set the bar, they take the bar and break it into a million pieces. - Zach Moonshine



Act I

Evoe (Live debut)

Wolves ov Siberia

Prometherion (First performance since 2011)

From the Pagan Vastlands (First performance since 2009)

Act II

Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel

Antichristian Phenomenon

Conquer All



Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer

Satan's Sword (I Have Become)

Ov Fire and the Void

Chwała mordercom Wojciecha (997-1997 dziesięć wieków hańby)

As Above So Below

Slaves Shall Serve

Chant for Eschaton 2000

Act IV

Sculpting the Throne ov Seth (First performance since 2015)


Decade of Therion

O Father O Satan O Sun!


Reviews - Interviews - Promo - Radio Play




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