The Vale is a three piece unit hailing from Tampere, Finland and “Autumn in the Valley” is a debut release for the band. Sort of a debut, since the band was...
The Vale is a three piece unit hailing from Tampere, Finland and “Autumn in the Valley” is a debut release for the band. Sort of a debut, since the band was formerly known as Ovenizer and finally morphed into it´s present form – The Vale. “Autumn in the Valley” is a part of a five piece ensemble consisting of four EP’s and a full length album. One can expect the full length album to be released within the course of the present year 2018. The Vale is lyrically a theme band. Everything happens in the Valley – always has and always will. For now, the lyrics are available on the Bandcamp site. There is also a music video for the song “The One Who Always Leaves” available on youtube –and more to come.