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How To Be A Better Note Taker In University

If you've ever felt like you don't take notes well, you'll be happy to know that there are a few tricks you can use to improve your notes in university. These tips cover the basics, such as taking notes by hand, coding your notes, and adding visual interest to your notes.

Tips for taking better notes in university

If you want to take better notes in university, you need to make the most of the available resources.

  • One of the most important tips is to learn to be an effective listener. This can help you to focus on what the professor is saying and avoid writing irrelevant details.
  • You also need to be aware of what your teachers expect from you, as this will help you to avoid embarrassing mistakes.

Take notes while you're listening to lectures and ask questions if you're unclear. This will help you consolidate your knowledge and figure out what you still need to understand.

Taking notes by hand

Taking notes by hand in university is a good study technique that can help you retain more information. Unlike typing, handwritten notes are more conceptual, so they encourage you to process the material more deeply. But writing notes by hand also takes more time. Moreover, you may be unable to use a paper helper and keep up with the speaker, which can make it difficult to remember key points.

Students can also use a pen and paper for handwritten notes. This can be a great way to use supplies that you probably already have in your home. However, there is a high-tech option for handwritten notes: tablets. Tablet computers can be convenient, but for most classes, a pen and paper can be more convenient.

Coding your notes

While taking notes in class, color-coding your notes is a smart way to ensure you remember everything. It's particularly handy when you need to review your notes for a test or research project.

This technique is compatible with all methods of note-taking and can be used to highlight key concepts or text. It also makes it easier to revise your notes later.

One method is known as Cornell Notes , which involves dividing the page into two parts: a note and a cue. The notes section contains the notes you took during class, while the cues section contains the ideas that you have recalled. These cues can be people, main ideas, or even potential test questions.

Adding visual interest to your notes

Adding visual interest to your notes in university can help you retain the information you learn better. It helps to draw diagrams, shapes, or words that relate to the information you're taking down. Whether you're taking notes on an electronic device or paper, adding visual interest can enhance your notes and keep them more organized.

When making notes for an exam, adding pictures to your notes will increase your recall. However, make sure not to overdo it, since you won't be looking at them much. Instead, use a lot of symbols, or make up your own.

Avoiding plagiarism

Taking notes during classes can be a great way to avoid plagiarism. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when you're doing so. First, it is important to make sure you cite your sources. If you don't, you risk having your work flagged for plagiarism. In addition to citing sources, you should make sure you paraphrase and keep drafts.

Plagiarism is a serious issue in universities and colleges. 75% of college students admit to stealing information from other students. Even famous scholars have been accused of plagiarism.

The problem is complex, but there are now many online resources to help you prevent it. These include student, educator, and concerned parent resources.
