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"Soumises à la procréation" out Apr.10, 2020 on CD & Digital
When the world turned to a post-Apocalyptic nightmare and the Annihilation Korps got decimated by hordes of blood-thirsty cannibals from beyond the unholy grave and Lieutenaut Savage, the only remaining member of the said elite troop, witnessed the fall of Sion, a city of survivors ruled by a religious fanatic, he roamed what once was "our world" that's now a desert made of dunes of cadavers and reached a mysterious monastery in ruin in which people leaving there had ceremonies with the carnivorous undead during which females had sex with them called "L'orgie des morts" ("orgy of the dead") and gave birth to a new specie of degenerated devilish cannibals...
Partly recorded (tracks 1-4) during the recording sessions for second full-length "Quand s'abaisse la croix du blasphème" ("When Falls the Cross of Blasphemy"), "Soumises à la procréation" ("Submitted to Procreation") is the continuation of the adventures of Lieutenant Savage started with debut "Cannibalisme, hérésie et autres sauvageries" ("Cannibalism, Heresy and other Savageries"), an horrific and gory series about cannibals, the Devil, the Apocalypse, orgies in blood, religious fanatism, zombies and the life of the few that try to survive. A third season in three episodes and three bonus: a tribute to SLAYER's Jeff HANNEMAN exclusively made of bits of riffs and lyrics by the Thrash Metal master reused to create a new kind of Frankrenstein creature-ish Thrash anthem and both DEICIDE and HELLOWEEN cover versions.
Featuring such guests as Max OTERO (MERCYLESS...), Loïc TRIVETTE (KRONOS...), Sybille COLIN-TOCQUAINE (WITCHES...), Dum's (PLEASURE TO KILL...) and Déhà (WE ALL DIE (Laughing)...) and still with artwork by UNDEAD KREATION like all of the band's previous releases, "Soumises à la procréation" will bring you (back) to the world compared to which your worst nightmare looks like Disneyland...
Prepare thyself to be... au service du Diable! ("serving the Devil!")
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