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3 years ago
HEY THERE METALOMANIAX!!!! Thanks for tuning in this week to catch us for the 276th episode of the show and just in time too because SKULLY IS BACK in studio for it! It has somehow been 4 months since we have dragged her onto the show for you cats so come and show her the love gang….
We are also very pumped to welcome in Out of Hand from Puerto Rico to join us for some METAL…with a little look backwards and a long look forward to the METAL that is to come. These dudes are absolute badasses and we can’t wait to chat em up this week on the show…
Throw in a playlist designed to turn the living room into a mosh pit and another segment on NEWS OF THE WEIRD… and you have got SOMETHING METAL TO DO THIS WEEK…. We hope to see you all there on the hump…much love…and much metal….
@centurymedia @Reabilitator @ERADICATORThrash @UntimelyDemiseMetal @spiritworldprophet @konvent5407 @idleruin @miscreance2709 @detherousofficial4449 @disinterofficial6314
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