Basic Info
3 years ago
Tercer single de nuestro primer album. Grabado, mezclado y masterizado por Absolomb Studios, y con el trabajo de MiguengArt en el apartado gráfico.
I need some help, can anybody give me a hand?
It’s my first time here and I’m about to go crazy
You, my lonely friend, listen, this is my story
Give me one of your beers and I’ll tell it to you
Far away, born with blame, bastard child
Mother cries, I left them behind, and here I am
Drag them to
where shattered skies
claw your veins
and drown your mind
Bring them to my lair
my filthy slave.
Dance for me
and play my game!
Hi, I’m Gabrielle, can anybody give me a hand?
Why’s everyone in this hole staring at me like I’m mad?
I almost forgot some small details
It was a stormy night, it was a shitty boat…
and all that trouble just for some empty nightclubs;
ten coins and a bottle of wine is the only thing I came back with!
Drag them to
where shattered skies
claw your veins
and drown your mind
Bring them to my lair
my filthy slave.
Dance for me
and play my game!
I claim your whispers and bones with my tongue,
through the pregnant carcass.
By my hand you will suffer!
I drain your waters and screams with my maw,
black teeth marching for you
to grant you a deathly wish!
I am Gabrielle, nice to meet you
Now I’m off to discover other lands…
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