Basic Info
3 years ago
First promo track from the upcoming album.
All music by TDOTL, All guitars and bass by TDOTL
Vocals by Flávio Lino, Drums by João Pedro Ventura, Lyrics by Rick Thor
Video production by Hugo Conim
Produced by Migas at MStudios
Executive production by TDOTL
The heavy stone walls flickered yellow, lit by the heavy bronze chandelier which allowed me to turn, one by one, the dry,thick pages of the aged tome.
To my horror and dismay, on the very last page, as if in a mockery of the holy words, there lay scribbled and inconspicuous the star of Belial once again.
It was an utter mystery to learn whose blasphemous hand had drawn this abominable sigil, and on a centuries-old manuscript version of the Libri Quattuor Sententiarum
To my horror and dismay, on the very last page, as if in a mockery of the holy words, there lay scribbled and inconspicuous the star of Belial once again.
And yet, it had for decades been in sole possession of father Ilnestane… I was lost in deep thought and dreadful conjecture when I was much surprised by a loud and ominous sound that broke the nocturnal silence. It was the chime of the church's bell! It was striking midnight.
To my horror and dismay, on the very last page, as if in a mockery of the holy words, there lay scribbled and inconspicuous the star of Belial once again.
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