Basic Info
4 years ago
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Song Info
Initially there was just the Intro music that was written on guitar
Composed after watching the movie "Hollow Man"(2000) several times
Which certainly had an influence on the colour of the Intro Cadence.
The track was written with a movie vibe in mind
It could probably be described as Danny Elfman Megadeth meets Oingo Boingo
At that stage the track was entitle "Film Music", and given the super hero kind of vibe off the track,
The southpark Character "Captain Hindsight" was considered as the subject matter and title for the track
But realizing that the plagarism would be too much, we sought to find a pointless super hero.
Within the walls of Clonmel in Tipperary,Tommy(T-dawg)Buckley came up with the name "Introspective man",
from there Simon(Frontman,Lyricist) Came up with what he would consider to be his best lyrics to date and so
"Captain introspective" came to life and he's been overthinking things ever since.
Sitting around drinking cups of tea,
contemplating my complexity,
Introspecting my intricacy,
Well how Complex is my personality?
Well it’s as complex as a complex personality could be,
Or is it? you see I question me
To define my own reality. Is it a question of morality?
No! It's just a question of who I am but who am I?
I know I'm not a bird,Not a plane,
Not quite mad but quite insane
Question's begging answers
Begging questions begging
Answers begging questions
Begging answers begging doubt.
That question certainly leaves an inkling of uncertainty.
Oh who should I be? What should I do?
Well tell me what do you do when you haven't got a clue?
I'm thinking of number 1 whilst taking a number 2,
Thinkin' o' you! That's really me in the third person you see it's always about you!
And by saying it's always about you I really mean it's always about Me!
I'm Captain Introspective with the power of self analaysis,
I'm the master of my own disaster which is this mental Paralysis
I'm Flying high tonight
My own thoughts are My Kryptonite
Maybe Just Maybe I'm crazy about myself
Maybe Just Maybe I'm God it can't be nothing else
Well excuse my introspection
But it's a mirror of self reflection
That gives me this auto erotic erection
I'm thinkin of it but I might be thinkin'
of it a little bit too much
It's hard,It's Hard!
And it's growing upon my inspection
Why It's right here under my nose
But I just can't seem to put my finger on it
It's just the wit of a nitwit
who can't Stand the thought of his own thoughts
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