Basic Info
4 years ago
Finally, summer has arrived and with it, the desire to go out, be with friends, go wild in unbridled dances despite the scorching heat and above all sing out loud songs that will be imprinted indelibly in mind as memories. Death Of A Legend come to your aid, dusting off a super hit of the ‘80s like Cruel Summer by Bananarama but with a modern and captivating twist!
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Video edited by Federico Quistini
Produced by Federico Quistini and DEATH OF A LEGEND
Music recorded @EffortStudio by Marco Gervasio
Vocals recorded @SPVNStudio by Stefano "Orkid" Santi
Mixed and Produced by Marco Gervasio and DEATH OF A LEGEND
Mastered @SPVNStudio by Stefano "Orkid" Santi
Press Office:
PressThis! MusicPR
Press Office – Social Media Management
Music Communication – Events Support
Serena, Jasmine, Alain.
Special Thanks to:
Ste "Orkid"
Federico Quistini
DEATH OF A LEGEND is a massive rock'n'roll turmoil born in 2020 from members of the Milano hardcore punk scene. The lineup consists of Trippy on vocals, Mark on guitars, Zane on bass and Don Malasorte on drums. The band's style mixes iconic groovy vibes of blues rocker Danko Jones with the rough edge of bands such as Maylene and the sons of Disaster and The Bronx. In for the party, catchy as fuck and ready to knock you out.
#newvideo #rocknroll #deathofalegend #Bananarama #Cover #CruelSummer
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