Basic Info
4 years ago
Mother Of All and film composer Andreas Hald present the soundscape ”Replicators”!
The two part medley ”Replicators” and ”CURATORS” deals with the domination and control that
algorithms and electronic devices have over our consciousness. To convey this eclipsing and mind-altering aspect of modern life the architect of Mother Of All, Martin Haumann partnered up with accomplished composer Andreas Hald and visual artist ”Lichtgedärm”.
Together these vibrant artists have created an aggressive, uncompromising interpretation of the modern predicament of having your view of the world curated by giant tech-platforms.
Martin Haumann has this to say: ”The first song ”Replicators” is a very cinematic piece by Andreas Hald.
He perfectly captures the vibe of ”Curators Of Our World Scope” and how algorithms operate and also the mind-numbing experience of dealing with social media, click-bait media and political propaganda. Tobias of ”Lichtgedärm A/V” managed to create truly disturbing, claustrofobic and dystopian imagery. We wanted to have their personal artistic styles shine through, so I gave them artistic freedom within reason, to make an original contribution. The two pieces are about technology, but the scary thing is how much technology is mimicking biological processes.
Like an efficient, corporate mindvirus.”
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