Looking at an assortment of unusual ways to get music noticed.
00:00 Zoetrope - Vinyl
02:48 Sid Chip Club - C64
05:31 The Rusty Nutz - DAT
07:35 Richard Houghten - Holo-Vinyl
09:07 Rob Dimeo - Gameboy
12:37 Credits - Music from Dimeo
They Might Be Giants Vinyl Zoetrope: https://theymightbegiants.merchdirect.com/products/66776-flood-30th-anniversary-picture-disk-vinyl-re-issue
More similar discs here: https://thevinylfactory.com/features/the-10-most-mind-bending-vinyl-zoetropes/
SID Chip Club: Purchase - https://markus-klein-artwork.de/sid-chip-club/
SID Chip Club: Youtube - https://youtu.be/qGWsPEC341Y
Richard Houghten on Bandcamp: https://bloomypetal.bandcamp.com/merch
Lavender Sweep Records: https://lavendersweep.bandcamp.com/merch
Dimeo's Jukebox for Gameboy: https://www.tgvirtual.com/dimeosjukebox
Q) Why are there comments from a week ago when this video has just gone live today?
A) Patrons usually have early access to videos. I'll show the first version of a video on Patreon and often the feedback I get results in a video going through further revisions to improve it. e.g. Fix audio issues, clarify points, add extra footage or cut extraneous things out. The video that goes live on youtube is the final version.
Q) You’re doing the Vinyl Zoetrope wrong
A) Nope - Here’s the technical info kindly provided in a comment by groenendiek
Counting the images there's 38 sectors with images on the record, resulting in 20.9 images/second at 33 rpm and 28.5 at 45 rpm. There's no camera shooting mode which uses 20.9 frames per second, so indeed it will never work as advertised. But, when you play at 45 rpm and record video at 30 fps then you'll see the animations, but moving counterclockwise at 2,25 rpm.
This channel can be supported through Patreon
*******Patrons usually have early access to videos*******
----------Outro Music-----------
Over Time - Vibe Tracks https://youtu.be/VSSswVZSgJw
------Outro Sound Effect------
ThatSFXGuy - https://youtu.be/5M3-ZV5-QDM